Page:History of Indian and Eastern Architecture Vol 2.djvu/54

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32 JAINA ARCHITECTURE. BOOK V. the rock. 1 It is doubtful if any trace of these is now known to exist. The principal group of temples at Girnar, some sixteen in number, is situated on a ledge about 600 ft. below the summit, and still consequently nearly 3,000 ft. above the level of the sea. 280. Temple of Neminath, Girnar. (From a Plan by J. Burgess.) Scale 50 ft. to i in. The largest, possibly also the oldest of these, is that of Neminath (Woodcut No. 280). An inscription upon it records that it was repaired in A.D. 1278, and unfortunately a subsequent restorer has laid his heavy hand upon it, so that it is difficult now to realise what its original appearance may have been. This unfortunately is only too often the case with Jaina temples. If a Hindu temple or Muhammadan mosque is once desecrated and 1 Beal, ' Buddhist Records,' vol. ii. p. 269.