Page:History of Iowa From the Earliest Times to the Beginning of the Twentieth Century Volume 2.djvu/414

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resented in the Chattanooga campaign. Our Fifth, Sixth, Tenth and Seventeenth regiments fought under Sherman on the left; and no more desperate fighting was done anywhere on the field. The Fifth, under Colonel Banbury, lost more than one hundred men. Among the wounded were Major Marshall and Adjutant S. H. M. Byers, the latter being captured. Lieutenant-Colonel Archer of the Seventeenth was also taken prisoner. Major Ennis of the Sixth was wounded. The Fourth, Ninth, Twenty-fifth, Twenty-sixth, Thirtieth and Thirty-first regiments fought under Hooker on the right. All of these with the exception of the Twenty-fifth and Twenty-sixth were warmly engaged on Lookout Mountain and Missionary Ridge.

At the Battle of Ringgold, fought on the 27th of November, the Thirtieth and several other Iowa regiments lost more heavily than at the battles before Chattanooga. In that engagement Colonel Williamson’s Iowa Brigade took a prominent part and contributed largely to the victory after other troops had given way in a disorderly retreat. Major S. D. Nichols of the Fourth was especially distinguished on that occasion for coolness and courage. The Thirtieth went into camp at Woodville, Alabama, toward the close of the year and remained until the opening of the campaign in the spring of 1864. It took a full share of the hard marching and fighting which marked Sherman’s advance upon Atlanta and in September went into camp at East Point. Since the death of Colonel Torrence the regiment had been under command of Lieutenant-Colonel Aurelius Roberts, with Robert D. Creamer of Company G promoted to major and James N. Smith, adjutant. The Thirtieth joined in the pursuit of Hood and in Sherman’s march to the sea. Early in the spring of 1865 it went with the army through the Carolinas and was in the last battle at Bentonsport. It marched with Sherman’s victorious legions to Washington and took part in the grand review. On the 6th of June, 1865, the Thirtieth