Page:History of Iowa From the Earliest Times to the Beginning of the Twentieth Century Volume 4.djvu/106

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ing, especially distinguishing himself at the Battle of the Thames. In 1815 he was again elected to the Legislature. In 1828 he was elected to Congress where he served but one term, declining reëlection. In 1835 he was again elected to Congress, serving four years. In 1841 he was appointed by President Harrison, his old commander, Governor of the Territory of Iowa. He was also appointed commissioner to negotiate treaties with the Sac and Fox Indians and interested himself in protecting several tribes of Indians from frauds of agents and traders. He made his home on a fine farm of 1,000 acres which he secured and improved six miles west of Burlington. His administration was wise and creditable but, as he was a Whig, and the Legislatures during his term were strongly Democratic, the relations existing between the executive and legislative branches of the Territorial government were not harmonious. Soon after the inauguration of President Polk, Governor Chambers was removed from office solely for political reasons. He earnestly opposed the adoption of the Constitution of 1846, under which Iowa became a State. In 1849 Governor Chambers was appointed by President Taylor to negotiate a treaty with the Sioux Indians. This was his last official position. Toward the close of his life he returned to Kentucky where he died on the 21st of September, 1852.

JOHN W. CHAPMAN was born at Blairsville, Pennsylvania, July 19, 1835. In 1843 his father removed with his family to Iowa Territory, making his home near Burlington, where John W. was reared on a farm. In 1860 he removed to Nebraska and was soon after elected a member of the Territorial Council where he won distinction as a fluent speaker and acquired wide influence in that body. In 1867 Mr. Chapman returned to Iowa, locating at Council Bluffs where he was one of the owners and editor of the daily Nonpareil. He was four years treasurer of Pottawattamie County, eight years United States Marshal of Iowa, and mayor of Council Bluffs. He died in that city in 1886. Spencer Smith says of Mr. Chapman:

“He was a man of superior judgment, broad views and great strength of character, qualities that gave him prominence at all times and places. His genial nature gave him social popularity in the community in which he moved. His acquaintance was not confined alone to Iowa; he was fairly well known as a man of ability by many of the leading statesmen of the country. He was a strong, terse, vigorous writer, with positive convictions upon public questions and had much originality of expression. He sought to make the Nonpareil a moulder of public opinion, rather than a reflector of it.”

WILLIAM W. CHAPMAN, the first Delegate in Congress from Iowa, was born in Marion County, Virginia on the 11th of August, 1808. He received but a common school education and read law while serving as