Page:History of Iowa From the Earliest Times to the Beginning of the Twentieth Century Volume 4.djvu/293

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Republican party. As General Jones was a lifelong Democrat he could not hope for a third election and President Buchanan appointed him United States Minister to New Grenada in South America. After his return from that mission in 1861 General Jones was arrested by a United States marshal and confined in Fort Lafayette for about two months on a charge of disloyalty. He had written a private letter to his old friend, Jefferson Davis, which had been intercepted by a Government official. In the letter were found indiscreet if not disloyal expressions and in that time of great public excitement over secession and Rebellion the arrest followed. He was never indicted or placed on trial and President Lincoln soon ordered his release. In 1892 General Jones was granted a pension by special act of Congress for services in the Black Hawk War. In April, 1894, Governor Jackson and the General Assembly of Iowa then in session, tendered to General Jones a public reception in recognition of his valuable services in the formative periods of the Territory and State. General Jones died at his home in Dubuque July 22, 1890, at the age of ninety-two.

EDMUND L. JOY was born at Albany, New York, October 1, 1835, and was educated at Anthony's Classical Institute, Albany Academy and the University of Rochester. He studied law, was admitted to the bar in 1857 and immediately thereafter removed to Iowa, making his home at Keokuk where he entered upon practice. Later he settled in Ottumwa where he was chosen city attorney in 1860. At the beginning of the Civil War he was active in raising troops and upon the organization of the Thirty-sixth Regiment of Iowa Volunteers he was elected captain of Company B. He participated in the campaigns in Tennessee, the siege of Vicksburg and the Yazoo Pass expedition, taking part in the engagement at Fort Pemberton. At the Battle of Helena he commanded the left wing of the regiment and was in the Little Rock campaign. In 1864 he was appointed by President Lincoln Judge Advocate, with the rank of major, and assigned to the Seventh Army Corps, serving in the Department of Arkansas. He assisted in the organization of the judicial system of the State under reconstruction and aided in the reestablishment of the State government after the close of the war, under a new Constitution. After retiring from the service he removed to Newark, New Jersey, where he served in the Legislature of that State in 1871-2. He was a delegate to the Republican National Convention in 1880and in 1884-5 he was a Government director of the Union Pacific Railroad Company by appointment of President Arthur. Mr. Joy died at Newark, New Jersey, February 14, 1892.

WILLIAM L. JOY was one of the sturdy pioneers of Sioux City and for a quarter of a century one of the foremost lawyers of northwestern Iowa. He was born in Townshend, Vermont, August 17, 1830. After gradu-