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ſmall iſland, encompaſſed round with a vaſt moat thirty feet deep, and twenty feet wide, over which lay a draw bridge. Wherefore Jack employed two men to cut it on both ſides, almoſt to the middle and then dreſſing himſelf in his coat of darkneſs likewiſe putting on his ſhoes of ſwiftneſs, he marched forth againſt the Giant, with his ſword of ſharpneſs ready drawn, yet when he came cloſe up to him, the Giant could not ſee him, by reaſon of his inviſible coat, which he had on, nevertheleſs he was ſenſible of ſome approaching danger, which made him cry out,

Fe Fi Fo Fum,
I ſmell the blood of an Engliſhman,
Be he living, or be he dead,
I'll grind his bones to mix my bread.

Say'ſt thou ſo, quoth Jack, then thou art a monſtrous miller indeed; But how, if ſhould ſerve thee, as I did the two Giants of late, in my conſcience I ſhould ſpoil your practice for the future. At which time the Giant ſpoke with a voice as loud as thunder; Art thou that villain which deſtroyed my two kinsmen? Then I will tear thee with my teeth, ſuck thy blood, and what is more, I will grind thy bones to powder. You muſt catch me firſt, quoth Jack, and with that he threw off his coat of darkneſs that the Giant might ſee him clearly, and then ran from him as through fear. The Giant, with foaming mouth and glaring eyes, following after like a walking caſtle, making the foundation of the earth as it were to ſhake at every ſtep, Jack led him a dance three or four times round the Moat, that belonged to the Knight's houſe, that the Ladies and Gentlemen might take a full view of this huge monſter of nature, who followed Jack with all his might, but could not overtake him, by reaſon of his ſhoes of ſwiftneſs,