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Now, when the Magiſtrates who employed him; heard the work was over, they ſent for him, declaring, that he ſhould henceforth be called, Jack the Giant Killer. And in honour thereof, they preſented him with a ſword, together with a fine rich embroidered belt, on which theſe words were wrought in letters of gold,

Here's the right valiant Cornish man,
Who ſlew the Giant Cormillan.

How Jack, while aſleep, was taken by a Giant, and how he got his liberty again.

The news of Jack's victory was ſoon ſpread over all the weſtern parts; when another huge Giant, named Blunderboar, hearing of it, vowed to be revenged on Jack, if ever it was his fortune to light upon him. This Giant kept an enchanted caſtle, ſituated in the midſt of a loneſome wood: Now Jack, about four mouths after, walking near the borders of the ſaid wood, on his journey towards Wales, grew very weary, and therefore ſat himſelf down by the ſide of a pleaſant fountain, where a deep ſleep ſuddenly ſeized on him, at which time, the Giant coming thither for water, found him, and by the lines written on his belt, knew him to be he who killed his brother Giant, and therefore, without making any words, he threw him upon his ſhoulder, to carry him to his enchanted caſtle.

Now, as they paſſed through the thicket, the ruſſling of the boughs awaked Jack, who, finding himſelf in the clutches of the Giant, was ſtrangely ſurpriſed, yet it was but beginning of his terrors: for at the entering within the firſt walls of the caſtle, he beheld the ground all covered with bones, and ſculls of dead men, the Giant telling Jack, that his bones would enlarge the number that he ſaw. This