Page:History of Joseph & his brethren.pdf/12

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"My lord, hear thy servant now I pray,
Our father, when wo brought the child away
Expressed such grief and sorrow for his sake,
That if he stay, his aged heart will break :
Seeing his tears, which fell like showers of rain,
I promised then he should return again.
Therefore, my lord, pray let him go, for I
Am loth to live to see my father die."
Joseph from tears could now no longer hold :
He said, "I am your brother whom you sold
To Egypt, when on me your anger fell ;
And is my father yet alive and well?”
Then on each other's necks they wept amain.
Their cries were heard, from tears could not refrain
"O fetch my father híther," Joseph cried,
"That for the family I may now provide."