Page:History of Journalism in the United States.djvu/440

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KiLLiKELLY, Sarah H. : The History of Pittsburgh.

Pittsburgh, 1906. King, Charles R. : The Life and Correspondence of

Rufus King, 6 vols. Putnam, New York, 1894. King, John: Animadversions on a Pamphlet entitled

" Letter of Advice by a Divine of the Church of Eng- land." London, 1701. King, William L. : The Newspaper Press of Charleston,

S. C. Charleston, 1882. KiNKEAD, Elizabeth Shelby: A History of Kentucky.

New York, 1896. Kitchin, George: Sir Roger L'Estrange. London, 1913. Knox, Thomas Wallace : The Republican Party and Its

Leaders. P. F. Collier, New York, 1892.

Lamb, Martha J. R., and Harrison, C. C. : History of the City of New York. A. S^ Barnes Co., New York, 1877-96.

Leake, Isaac Q. : Memoir of the Life and Times of Gen- eral John Lamb. Albany, 1850.

Lecky, W. E. H. : Democracy and Liberty. New York, 1899.

Lecky, W. E. H. : The American Revolution, 1^63-1^83. Appleton, New York, 1898.

Lecky, W. E. H. : A History of England in the i8th Cen- tury, 8 vols. New York, 1882-90.

Lee, James Melvin:, History of American 'Journalism. Boston, 1917.

Lewis, William Draper: Great American Lawyers, 8 vols. Philadelphia, 1907.

Lilly, Lambert: The History of the Middle 'States. Boston, 1846.

Linn, William : The Life of Thomas Jefferson. Ithaca, 1834.

Lipscomb, Andrew A. (Editor) : (See under Thomas Jefferson.)