Page:History of Knox Church Dunedin.djvu/122

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In Memoriam: Mr A. T. Stuart—Mr G. Hepburn—Dr Stuart's Tablet in memory of first elders—Mr R. Gillies.

DR STUART was called upon in the inscrutable Providence of God to undergo a most grievous and heavy trial in the sudden and unexpected removal by death of his second son, Alexander Thomas, a young man of large promise, and richly endowed with natural talents. This sad event occurred on July 6, 1883, at the early age of 27 years, and excited a strong feeling of sympathy with the bereaved father throughout the entire community. The Session passed the following resolution on the occasion:—"The Session desire to place upon record their deep and heartfelt sympathy with Dr Stuart in the unexpected death of his son, Alexander Thomas, and sincerely trust that all the consolations of our Christian religion may bear him and his family up under such a trying bereavement." The following is the resolution of the Deacons' Court on the same occasion:—"The Deacons' Court of Knox Church desire to place on record an expression of their deep and heartfelt sympathy with Dr Stuart in the painful bereavement which he has sustained by the death of his son; and, whilst this feeling is shared by them both individually and in their collective capacity, they would express the hope that he may be sustained in his bitter sorrow by Him who alone can minister comfort and support, and that the consolation which our pastor has so often ministered to others may be abundantly vouchsafed to himself. The Court would also express the hope that Dr Stuart may long be spared to go in and out amongst us, and that the trials which have fallen to his lot may increasingly fit him for a continuance of the many labours of love and benevolence which devolve upon him as a Christian minister."

In December 1883 the congregation was called on to mourn the loss of Mr George Hepburn, the last survivor of the original members of Knox Church Session, who departed this life at the ripe age of 81 years.