Page:History of Knox Church Dunedin.djvu/132

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classes; and Mr George Leighton, as choir secretary, has greatly assisted Mr Barth in keeping up the strength and efficiency of the church choir.

The first precentor of Knox Church was Mr W. McLelland (still living), who was elected in 1860 and resigned in 1861. He was succeeded by Mr Alex. Stewart, who retired in December 1863 owing to the pressure of other duties. Mr A. Graham then held the office for about a year, and was succeeded by Mr Robert Francis, who performed the duties of precentor from 1865 to 1876 with much zeal and attention. A difficulty having arisen in procuring a suitable successor to Mr Francis, Mr G. M. Thomson volunteered to conduct the psalmody without remuneration. In 1877 his professional duties compelled Mr Thomson to resign the position he had held for a year with so much advantage to the congregation, and he received the cordial thanks of the office-bearers for the timely assistance he had rendered. Mr W. Fraser was then elected precentor, but after about a year's service he retired, and was succeeded (1878) by Mr Innes, who held the office till 1882, when Mr A. M. Braik was almost unanimously elected to the position by a vote of the congregation.