Page:History of Knox Church Dunedin.djvu/188

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Miss McQueen's removal from Dunedin deprives them of a zealous helper. Mr John Carter and Messrs Arthur and Alex. Robertson conduct the service of song, assisted by a very efficient choir, and also perform other useful work in connection with the services.

Mrs Walter Hislop, on behalf of Knox Church choir, has just submitted to the office-bearers (May 1892) a proposal in the interest of the families in the neighbourhood that have been prevailed upon to attend the Sabbath evening services in the hall of the Old Church. The members of the choir offer to give a monthly musical entertainment, with readings and recitations, open to all the families resident in the district, as well as those above referred to. The office-bearers have cordially accepted the offer, and have appointed a committee of their number to co-operate with the representatives of the choir in making all needful preliminary arrangements; and there is every reason to expect that the proposed entertainments will be carried on with the same heartiness and success that have usually marked other efforts made by the workers of the congregation.

This History of Knox Church may be appropriately concluded by pressing upon the consideration of members and adherents the following words taken from a former year's report by the office-bearers:—"We desire to express our sense of the deep responsibility under which we lie, from the importance of the work to which we have put our hands, and from the place we occupy among the Christian congregations of the colony. May every individual and every family of the congregation realise in an ever-increasing degree their share of this responsibility, and strive to live from day to day under its power. We ever pray that the members and families of the congregation may exemplify at home and in their daily life the love, meekness, and holiness of Christ the Lord, 'Let the words of our mouths and the meditations of our hearts be acceptable in Thy sight, Lord, our Strength and our Redeemer.' 'Let Thy work appear unto Thy servants, and Thy glory unto their children. And let the beauty of the Lord our God be upon us; and establish Thou the work of our hands upon us; yea, the work of our hands establish Thou it.'"