Page:History of Knox Church Dunedin.djvu/194

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List of DeaconsContinued.

Date of
Ordination or
Name. Date of
Cause of

Oct., 1874 Robert Short Jany. 1881 Elected elder
Sept., 1875 George Grant Sept. 1878 Retired
{{{1}}} James Lothian Sept. 1878 Retired
Oct., 1876 Robert Chisholm August 1878 Elected elder
Sept., 1877 William N. Blair June 1884 Left Dunedin
{{{1}}} William Wallace July 1880 Retired
{{{1}}} John Roberts, C.M.G. April 1888 Elected elder
Sept., 1878 George M. Thomson August 1886 Elected elder
{{{1}}} Robert S. Sparrow
{{{1}}} Clement White May 1884 Elected elder
{{{1}}} Gilbert Anderson August 1884 Left Dunedin
{{{1}}} William Lambert April 1884 Left Dunedin
Oct., 1879 Robert S. Gardner Jany. 1881 Elected elder
Dec., 1879 Patrick G. Pryde
July, 1881 James Wilkie April 1891 Death
{{{1}}} Donald M. Stuart May 1886 Resignation
{{{1}}} George L. Denniston March 1892 Elected elder
{{{1}}} Alexander Bartleman
{{{1}}} John H. Morrison
July, 1882 John Macfarlane, jun.
{{{1}}} James M. Fraser May 1884 Elected elder
{{{1}}} James Thomson Sept. 1883 Left Dunedin
July, 1884 Edmund Smith August 1886 Elected elder
{{{1}}} William Simpson August 1889 Elected elder
{{{1}}} John Stewart May 1886 Death
{{{1}}} John Campbell
{{{1}}} James Mann
July, 1886 William T. Todd August 1889 Elected elder
{{{1}}} Thomas Young
{{{1}}} Colin Macandrew
{{{1}}} Daniel Smith August 1889 Elected elder
July, 1888 James C. Thomson
{{{1}}} Edmund R. Smith
{{{1}}} George McCarter
{{{1}}} Henry Guthrie
{{{1}}} Robert McNab March 1890 Left Dunedin
July, 1889 William Cowie
{{{1}}} John McPherson
{{{1}}} Frederick Smith April 1892 Left the district
{{{1}}} William A. Stout
April, l892 John Anderson
{{{1}}} George Calder
{{{1}}} Robert A. Johnston
{{{1}}} Willam D. Main
{{{1}}} Simon Macdonald
{{{1}}} John McLeod
{{{1}}} John S. Nugent
{{{1}}} Francis Shaw
{{{1}}} William Stevenson
{{{1}}} Robert Sutherland
{{{1}}} William Wright

Note.—The names of deacons re-elected on the expiry of their respective terms of office are not repeated.