Page:History of Knox Church Dunedin.djvu/196

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Showing the Total Amounts raised by Knox Church congregation for specific purposes from the outset (1859), to December 31st, 1891:—
Object. Total Receipts
Special Purposes.
Total Receipts
as shown in
preceding Table.
£ s. d. £ s. d.
Ordinary Collections 21,675 3   6
Seat Rents 17,617  10 8
*Missions 3,801 18 3
*Sustentation Fund 14,280 12 6
Buildings 16,566 12 5
Special Collections—
Taranaki Refugees 70  10 6
*Church Extension 1035 2 3
*Otago Ministers' Passage-money 660 4 5
*Aged and Infirm Ministers' Fund 670 14  11
*Synod and Presbytery 28 5 7
Bethel Mission 119 0 9
Benevolent Institution 1007 12 1
Patients' and Prisoners' Aid 171 0 9
Congregational Poor 660 2 4
Sabbath Schools 235 7 0
Students' Scholarship 92 0 0
Bible Society 13 15 0
Congregational Library 85 2 11
Female Refuge 38 10 2
Pastor Chiniquy 12 15 5
Dr Macgregor and Dr Rainy's Expenses 22 0 0
The Church Choir 10 0 0
Mr D. Wright's Mission 14 15 11
Walker street Mission 21 17 4
Anderson's Bay Church Building 11 0 0
Wakarido. 25 0 0
Blueskindo. 14 15 0
Dr Stuart's Portrait 76 16 0
Rents and Sundries 154 14 2
5269 2 1
Total 79,210 19 5

* These receipts, with a few trifling exceptions, were handed over to the Synod's funds.

The information furnished in this and the preceding table has reference only to the sources of income. In a number of instances the sums shown are far from representing the whole of the amounts actually expended on behalf of the objects specified, because these sums have been largely augmented by payments from the ordinary congregational revenue, which is almost wholly derived from seat rents and the ordinary collections. This explanation applies more particularly to expenditure on the old and the new buildings and their sites, Sabbath Schools, library, congregational poor fund, and students' scholarship scheme. The sum of £2000 received from the Synod in aid of the New Church building fund is not included in the two tables, nor are any other smaller sums received from the Synod on account of buildings.