Page:History of Knox Church Dunedin.djvu/212

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out the session. The number on the roll is 148 (58 young men, and 90 young women). The subject of study has been the Gospel History. Daring the latter half of the session Professor Lindsay's Short Commentary on the second half of the Gospel of Luke has been in the hands of the members of the class for the preparation of the lessons. The home exercises were very well done by a considerable number. The best were those of (I.) Misses K. M. Macgregor and C. E. Macgregor; and (II.) Misses Lena McLeod, Sarah J. Ross, Mary S. Reid, Lena Stewart, and Isabella Sutherland. The class has contributed to foreign Missions the sum of £6, which it unanimously resolved to devote to the maintenance of a native teacher in the New Hebrides. Hearty thanks are due to Mr. David H. Thomson for his valuable services as precentor, and to Mr. Paton Dunlop for his careful keeping of the class-roll. The subject of study next year will be the Book of Acts.

Mr. Chisholm's Bible Class has been in existence for 13 years, and continues to prove a useful training ground for our younger members. The number of pupils on the roll at the end of the year was 51, and the average attendance 32—namely, 17 girls and 15 boys. During Mr. Chisholm's absence in the Old Country, Rev. Dr. Stuart conducted the class, with occasional assistance from Rev. Mr. Davidson, Dr. Hislop, and Mr. Macpherson. The amount subscribed to missions during the year was £13 2s. 3d. Out of this, £12 was contributed for the support of two native teachers in the New Hebrides, and the balance added to the reserve fund, which now stands at £25 4s.


The main school has had an average attendance during the year of 625, viz., 236 girls and 160 boys in the upper school, and 229 in the primary school: 63 new scholars have been enrolled, and 36 have left; of these, 13 have joined the minister's Bible-class, and 5 Mr. Chisholm's Bible class. The attendance of the teachers is very satisfactory, and their preparatory class has proved very helpful in their work. During the year £77 17s. 7d. has been contributed by the mission boxes, of which £4 1s. 7d. came from Pelichet Bay school. The seventh annual gathering for receipt of scholars' gifts took place on June 5th, when 1222 articles and £3 10s. lOd. in cash were received. The distribution of the gifts was undertaken this year by the teachers themselves. The Band of Hope has been revived, after being in abeyance for four years. The Library has been increased by the