Page:History of Knox Church Dunedin.djvu/216

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living authors, and impromptu speeches furnished material on the various nights, and the meetings were lightened by musical items contributed by friends. The average attendance of members and visitors has been about ninety.

The congregation might easily furnish a large increase to the active membership of this organisation, and the Committee look for a considerable influx of new talent next session. The success of the Society is largely due to the vigour of its Secretary, Mr. F. Wright.


The Sewing Class started by Miss Smith in the class-room does a work which has the entire sympathy of your officebearers. The last quarterly report of the congregation describes the origin and progress of this useful institution.


Four classes have been held weekly since the beginning of March. Steady progress has been made in some of the classes; and besides the regular class work, two concerts have been given in the Garrison Hall during the season—one on behalf of the Ladies' Association, and one for an outside object. The average attendance at all the classes, notwithstanding much sickness and other hindrances, has been large. The classes will be resumed next season in the month of March, and the teacher wishes it to be understood that they are open to any member or adherent of the Church. Young people not connected with Knox Church are also welcomed.


Has rendered excellent service to the congregation during the year. The attendance at the services, especially of lady members, has been very good. Good work has also been done by the members in connection with many other societies and organisations in the congregation, and the Church is under considerable obligation to all those who give so much of their time and talent to her service.


Has been well patronised during the year, about 150 volumes being in pretty constant circulation. Mr. C. White has devoted