Page:History of Knox Church Dunedin.djvu/218

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Balance Sheet of Knox Church Sunday Schools,

For Year Ending 30th September, 1891.

£ s. d. £ s. d.
Grant from Deacons' Court 80 0   0 Annual Picnic (February) 42 8   1
Balance from Railway Fares, a/c Picnic 3  15 1 N.Z. Bible and Tract Depot 33  12 2
Sale Bible Reading Schemes 0 18 4 Caxton Printing Office 5 18 6
Mission Money 77 17 7 Subscriptions to Otago Sunday School Union 1 0 0
Bible Reading Cards 0 19
Mr. Milne (six native teachers) 36 0
General Mission Fund 21 17
"Dayspring" 20 0 0
Sundries 0 15 6
£102 11 0 £102 11 0
Dunedin 30th September, 1891. WM. D. MAIN, Treasurer.