Page:History of Manchester (1771), Volume 1, by John Whitaker.djvu/102

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dhap.4II. O* < m A ft fc'H E ST E R. 75 te-Martehefter; ts another whitih certamIy»goes from Lancafter to Ribchefter may be imagined to be the road upon which this Iter of -Richard proceeds. Both 'particulars may .fee fuppofed. Stltfeoth muft he^uaHy<foppofed in oppofitionto ilecHive evi* 4etie*, That ft&igonkim is Ribchefter, the confent of Ptolemy JUchard and Remains wifl fully ttemonftrate hereafter *. That X3occium therefore cannot bfc Ribchefter, is abundantly plain, the one beingcexpFefsly <lifttngui(hed from the other. And Coo ckm being thus difledged from the fite which it has fo long maintiintd, i*c muft endeavour to give it it* proper fite, by •finding a new ftatton for the old name, as we have already founS

  • tHnew name for the old jftation.

Ftom the preceding account it -is' obvious, that this Iter of <Richard from Uuguvallium to Brocavonacis and Ad Alaunam 'proceeds &16ng 4 the courfe of && prefent ^road from Carlrfle to ^Laincaften Along the eburfe of -the fame road I apprehend it to proceed 'from Lancafter to Cocchitn. It muft neceflarily in ge- neral point towards Manchefter, becauie to 'Manchefter it cer*- -tainly goes, and it as -certainly does not go to it by the rQund pf •Ribehfefter. : It muft therefore neceflarily ftreteh away dircdtljr ^b ttfc'feUjAv'eaft, and *onfeqihehtfy hi the fine of the prefent road from Lancafter to Manchester. But this is not our only direftiori. 'We have a ftill mors particular one. The diftance betwixt Orerbfcteugk andCJoctium in Antoninus is confefledly erroneous } ^dndthe diftanee h&atiat Lancafter and Coccium m Richard Is cither etjuafly ^erroneous -or >akfohitely toft. But the diftance b£-

Wixt Coccium afad ! Miiifcufeiumiippears in both, and isieventefeh

-miles' in An toftinewid' eighteen in Richard; a difference that in ^Itiiwirliiiesilifce thfefe, trttate'the fra&ioiis of mile^are never entk

  • tftetattdt astfuttoj i$M*idiy<tn<>' 4ifierent*e at'aU* Thfe fra&t<&

^Jftftiitted 1 b^AffltohiiW'is^iWfeputfcd by&icliard, therefafe Tfedconed-for * vh6te toile. AAnd this agreement of the tW6 Itineraries decifively afcertains the diftance of -Coccium fnorfi 'Mandheften Such an agreement' muft always be allowed as a

  • decfflve argirtfcerit; *-Such an? agitjetneht muft always he fupppfetf

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