Page:History of Manchester (1771), Volume 1, by John Whitaker.djvu/167

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i 3 * THE HISTORY- Bpokl. ologia, Mr. Perchral's Eflay, p. 64)9 and a thoufand other ftationg, jail inftantly vani(h, And, like the bafelefs fabrick of a vifion, - » Leave not ji wreck behind. n. ANOTHER, road of the Romans appears to have heen laid from the ftation of Mancunium, and to have proceeded into Yorkfliire. Branching probably from the road to Cambodunum about Ancoates-lane, and traveriirig the townfhip of Manchefter obliquely, it rauft have pafled through Street-fold in Moftoa, by Street-bridge in Chatherton, and by Street-yate in Ryton, and pointed evidently for Littleborough Rlackftone-Edge and Ilkley. Thefe three appellations pf Street very clearly afcertain the general dire&ion of its courfe, and fuificieutly fupply the abfolute w^t of any a&ual remains, or even of any traditional notices concerning it. Leaving Street-fold and the paviih, the road muft have pro* ceeded by Street-bridge and Street-yate, and was lately dug up near Rochdale. About a quarter of a mile to the righ£ of the town and near the road from Oldham to it, the way was cut through in making a marie-pit* and appeared fevcral yards in breadth and deeply gravelled. And upon Blackftone-Edge it is interfered, as I have mentioned before by the road from Cambodunum to Colania. Having crofled the edge, it ranges nearly from north to fouth, being difcoverod in this dire&ion along the eaftern fide of thefe mountains. Leaving Halifax cou- fiderably on the right, and EUinworth only a little on the left, the line paflcs through Dinhani Park, running a good way to. the weft of Bradford and a little to the weft of Cullingwoirth. Betwixt Hainworth and Cullingworth the road is vifible, a paved way more than twelve feet broad and neatly fet with the ftofles of the country. It appears in feveral places upon Harding or HapdfeR .MoOr* croffing the height of the moor, and pointing upon thfe Moot-