Page:History of Manchester (1771), Volume 1, by John Whitaker.djvu/180

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Chappy. OF MANCHESTER. i$i nearly of Ptolemy's Geography, and absolutely and only Ragae in Richard's Roman defcriptioa of Roman Britain * The real! name therefore mult be equally Ratae and Rage, the former im- plying the to wn to be fixed. upon the currents 4 *, and the latter importing- it to be the rapital, of the kingdom. But, in the great weaknefs of the Cbritanian flfcte, the wide-difperfed inhabitants ©f the country mult' have been greatly expofed to the dangers of invafion, and have lain an eafy prey to any enterprizing nation; about them. Such very particularly were the Iceni upon their fouthem border* And thefe had accordingly invaded their king- dom and fubdued it before the cdming of the Romans, and' had' given the mixed expreflive appellation of Ifceni Cbritani to the conquered * inhabitants of it 4t ; f , 'Leigh's NF. H. b. in, p. 42.— * Camden p. 42a. — * This xoad I travelled in the autumn of 1767. — 4 So Lean, Loan — Beaid, Bold — Neaght, Nought — Eald,! Old — and Sheaw, Show, — * See b. L ch. vL f t 2- — 6 Tacitus Agric. Vit. exxi. Paulatimque difceflum ad delinimenta vitiorum — Balnea — ♦: idque apud koperitos humanitas vocabatur. — 7 As early therefore as the year 61 the Romans ufed hot baths in Britain (Dio p. 1007)^ — ' * ter rot ^ of Richard and 14th of Antoninus, and Richard p. 51. — 9 Iter joth,. nth, and 12th.— 10 So the Roman town which- was conftru&ed at the hot wells of Provence in France was denominated Aquae (Aquae Sextiae)) by the Romans,, and 13 now denominated Aix. And there were certainly fome medicinal fprings at- Wells as well as ar Aix„ however thofe are unnoticed at pjefent, as thefe a&ually were to the prefent century. — " Sax. Chron. p. 22. — " See Iter 18 in Appendix.— "Leigh's N. H. b. iii; p. 42.— u The Nat; Hiih. of Lancashire &c. very gravely informs us b«. iii.. p. 42,. That: Buxton is mentioned by Lutan* An^ this wild affertion has been eareftllly copied from: him by altaoft all the topographers! fince*— '*• Baxter in Iceni.~* C«&* $*JVJM BedeY Eccl; Hift* lib. ii/c. 2^ Ptolemy, and Tacitus Agric. Vit. a xviiu— . 17 Ann; ttb.,xii< a 40. — ,§ Bede*p. jd^M,. 767, apd 769*—" Branogena im