Page:History of Manchester (1771), Volume 1, by John Whitaker.djvu/222

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Chap. VI.. O F/ MANCHESTER. 191 confuting of Romans and therefore Specified by Dio, and the feventh -Twin, the feventh Twin Claudian, and the feventh Twin Antonian, three brigades confifting of foreigners, and therefore omitted by him ,3 . And thus the tenth had the. tenth Fretan and the tenth Twin, two enumerated brigades of Ro- mans, and the tenth Antonian Auguftan and; the tenth Bataviart, two unnoticed brigades of foreigners ,9 . The tenth legion is mentioned by Dio, and is placed by him in Judea ; and Jofephus had previoufly plaoed it at Jerufalem **. And the brigade inteftcted by both appears undeniably from the Notitda to have been equally denominated the tenth Fretan ". That brigade was fettled in Judea by Titus: and in Judea it continued to the period of the Notitia. But the legion which ■was ftationed in Wales, and vfrhich appears from the above- mentioned infcriptions to^ h&ve been certainly a brigade of the tenth, appears pretty clearly from a coin which was discover- ed' in that country and which was mfcribed with the follow- ing name, to have ' been the tenth Antonian Auguftan * This from its appellation appears to have been a fingle legion; but the, feventh was a double one. Many of thic legionary bri- . gades'were denominated Gemellae, Gemmae,- or Twins, becaufe they were compounded of two brigades and had a double com- plement of men * Such was a brigade of the tenth of the thirteenth and of the fourteenth legions * Such alfo, as appears

  • above, were three of the five brigades in the feventh. One

of thefe, the Twin Claudiinl legion, was that which was ftationed at Gloucefter. It could not have been, as Dr. Stukcley fuppofes it to be, the brigade which was denominated more (imply the feventh Claudian legion, which accompanied Caefar in his firft* expedition into Britain, and which from the days of Dio to the period of the Notitia was ftationed conftantly in the Higher Moefia * Our Claudian legion appears to have been continued in the ifland after the days of Dio, and even to the days of Ca- raufius * 6 . Our Claudian legion muft therefore have been the only other brigade of the feventh which bore the title of Clau- dian,