Page:History of Manchester (1771), Volume 1, by John Whitaker.djvu/224

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Chap, VII. OF MANCHESTER. 193 the duties of the principal ftation, and have been loon fucceeded by a new draught from the principal garrifon 3 % 1 B. I. ch. vi.— * Dion p. 794. and 795. — * Vegetius L.ii. c. 6. and 7. where he fpeaks exprefly of Ordinatio legionis antiquae. — 4 See Horfeley p. 87.—- $ Caefar p. 88. Hominum eft infinita multitude — 6 De Bell. Jud. lib. ii. c. 16, Camden col. 80 1. Gibfon, and Gale p. 122. See therefore a miftake in Horfeley concerning this legion. — * Camden col. 802. — f See a miftake therefore in Dr. Gale p. 123. — * Dion p. 795. and Urfatus. — 10 Richard p. 24. 36. and 51. — " Richard p. 36. and Higden p. 198. Gale, &c. &c. — " Diop. 794. ^otontil<t UoX^kx. and p. 797. rc*v ex tv KajaXoy* fpajivoftiMv. — 13 Suetonius in Caefare cap. 24. and Gruter p. 514. — f *Dio p. 797»— I5 See Sertorius Urfatus. — u Dio p. 794. and Sertorius. — ,7 P. 794 and 797. — ,§ Dio p. 795 and 796, the two legionary pillars in Gruter p. 513, and Sertorius.— ,f Dio p. 795, Notitia in Judaea, Gruter p, 514, and Gale p. 122. And fee the annexed lift. — ao Jofephus p. 1 297. Hudfon. — tf P. 91. Pancirollus. — ** Gale p. 122. — * 3 Diop. 796. and Sertorius, and Caefar p. 284. — ,4 Dio p. 795 and 796. —

  • ' Dio p. 795. and Notitia p. 104.— * fl Stukeley's Caraufius v. I.

p. 175. — %1 And the additional title of Gemina to this legion is omitted in Stukeley's coins, as the appellation of Fretenfis to the tenth is omitted in Dio and Jofephus ; as the epithet of Gemi- na to the fourteenth is never mentioned by Tacitus, though the / legion appears from Richard to have had the epithet while it re- mained in Britain ; and as the titles of V. V. or Valerian Victo- rious to the twentieth legion are dropt in the infeription upon an altar at Wroxeter (Phil. Tranf. 1755. p. 196). See alfo the annexed lift. — tf Horfeley' s Chefhire N° 3. — %9 So the Appian Way in Italy from Appius Claudius. So Cohors JElia, Pons JElii, &c in Britain from JEYius Hadrianus. And fb the Julian Way in Wales from Julius Frontinus. — Malmefbury De Geftis Pontificum Anglorum lib. iv. Sir H. Saville p. 164. has altered Julianarum into Militarium without affigning a fingle reafon. C c The