Page:History of Manchester (1771), Volume 1, by John Whitaker.djvu/226

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ChtnvVI. OF MANCHESTER. «** A L I S T Of THE R O M- A- N L E O I O N S, Collected from the Geography of Ptolemy the Hiilory of Die and the Itinerary of Antoninus. Suck Legions as were compofed of Ro- man Cititens I have noted accordingly. Such as were embodied in or before the reign of Auguftus I have noticed by fubjoining the name of Auguftus to them. And fudh as were embodied afterwards I have referred to their proper Emperors by a fimilar note. Ptolemy. Berrius. Diot | P. 794—796. Leg. 1. Minervia L. Germ. Antoninus. | Berths. P. 53. Legio 1. L.Gerroanx . r . m .— ^ I raifed by Domitian. P. 62. Leg. i Adjut. Leg. 1 . Adj . ]£, Paononia , L,Panuania raifed by Galba P. 88. Leg. 1. Ital. Leg. 1 Ital. I^Matfiat _ _. X. Maefija raifed by J^efo

1 . .

P. 1 m* L«J ..Leg. 1 * .Pakthicv on the Euphrates Mefopotamia raifed by 3everu& - — ■+ '"—" I Citizens. P. 15. Leg. 1. Adj. Paiiftanu P. 14* Leg- 1 . Ttal. ) , Lower IdaeHa L P. 37. Leg. a. Aug. Britain. : « » Leg. 2. Aug Britain; Auguftui 1 • » P^i4.. Leg.|i. Jo via L. Maefii Citizens. Cit iens

  • ■*- — - -Citiacns^

]?• y* m Leg; 2. Aug. Britain . Foreigners. Citizens* Cc 2 Leg,