Page:History of Manchester (1771), Volume 1, by John Whitaker.djvu/232

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Chap. VII. OF MANCHESTER, . aox CHAP. VII. I. REGULARLY as the Romans extended their conquefls in the hlxnd, they appear equally to have ere&ed ftations for themfelves and to have conftru&ed cities for the Britons. Thus the towns of Gloucester Colchefter London and Verulam were wrtam^y erefted by Claudius* and immediately after the firft permanent conqufeft > which the Romans effected amongft us And as many icrfbnor towns, muftihave been equally conftru&ed at the feme period, 4b remains demonstrate Chichefter and tradi- tion afferts Cireoceiier in particular to have been both conftru&- <ed at it V Such was the jpraftice of the Romans in their firft, aad &ch miift hare bote ^equally their pra&ice in their fuhfe- tjuent, cobquefts of the (Batons* By this means the progrefs of their 4Mns was diftiti&iy marked by the progrefs of cultivation, and the foce tf the (Hand was gradually brightened up as the lira of their conijuisfts -was advanced. By this means, when - Agikolaiireaded the comity 6f Lancafter, the country upon one fide of the line, beneath the refining government of the Romans* exhibited a >pleafing pidnre of populous cities and fpreading <corn«fieids in the boforos of extenfive woods, and the country upon the ttither {pnefented one uniformly dreary rfcene of mofles, woods, and <itearfh6^ embttwtied heaths, and folrtary man*

titans. .->'

But *his was: not torig tjhe ^general aipeft of Lancashire, The fiottftns advanced into the county, and imported all the ufeful refinements of civil life. Thefe they introduced, not with the godlike ^defign ^f Softening the irowgh genius -of Lancafhire and .of dfcftrfmg the (Wefts ctf ibcial Jiappiaefs among its inhabitants, D d but