Page:History of Manchester (1771), Volume 1, by John Whitaker.djvu/240

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Chap, VII. O f MA NCHESTER. zq 9 chief therefore muft have been furnifhed with the implements of a brewery, and muft have prepared his own liquor. But as the implements muft have been very few and the preparation very fimplc, fb the liquor appears to have been very ftrong, and both in colour and in flavour little inferior to wine * 7 . In this Hate of rural magnificence did the chiefs of the Man- cunians live, when Agricola fir ft urged them to refide near the ftation. From this ftate of rural magnificence did Agricola in- duce one of them to depart, and to build the town of Mancu- jihim. Attended by his train of followers, he relinquished his abode either upon the airy iandy heights of Pilkington, upon the brawlings of the fylvan Roche, or along the mountain rambling* of the paftoral Irweli, and fettled with his clan upon the northern bank of the Medlock J 1 Caefar p. 120 and Diodorus p. 352 of the Gauls, and Ta- citus Agric. Vit. c, xii. and Offian vol. I. p. 136 &c. of the Bri- ions.T~-* Offian vol. J. p» 157 &c.~ 3 Offian vol. I. p. 99, 129, &c. and vol. H. p. 183, — 4 Offian voL I. p. 136 and vol. II, p. 71. — - * Offian vol. II, p, 36, and Mona p. 89 and 246.— r* Offian vol. J. p. 1 io.^- 7 Offian vol. I. p* 99, 165, and vol. II. p. 222.—

  • Offian vol. I. p. 72, 240, 1 6, and 27, and Pegge's Coins of Cuno-

beline clafs 4. N° 1. and 3.— • Offian vol. I. p. 15 for Caledonia. The fame mode of cookery was pra&ifed in Ireland, and is ftill in fome meafure retained by the prefent Highlanders on their hunting parties ; fee Critical Diff. p. 132. — ,0 Caefar p. 89, Di- odorus p. 350 of the Gauls and ^$7 of the Spaniards, and Strabo p. 30^.— " Voffius de Vitiis Serm. in Curmi, and Camden p. 419. — ** Diodorus p. 24. — n Diodorus p. 350, Strabo p. 233, and Voffius and Camden ibid. See alfo a Note below, — '♦ (Mian vol.1, p. 139 and 168. — ,5 Dio p. 1280, ek re vopw urn Shf/**; Xp*h* — ' M Offian *p. 1 16. vol. I. and Richard p. 32. Mr. Mac- pher ion vol. I. p. 74 is inclined to think, that the Britons of Caledonia generally drank wine in the time of Fingal. But this is utteriy incredible ; and p. 116. vol. f. entirely refutes &e E e notion.