Page:History of Manchester (1771), Volume 1, by John Whitaker.djvu/256

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Chap. VII. OF MA'NC ; H ESTER. the peculiarly . appofite denptajnatioi) pf Amboglanfta* The littk eminence of iCaJtey-B»k$ might, have received the, name

    • f Gun ; tha weJIr watered £je#jition ?f t^lie Hvmtibauk might

have .adopted the appellation of Cotittennji ; and the High Knolls might hav* home the denomination <>f QabfQcentom. And fo conferred* woqld the& r and the other names beneceflarily trao&ittted from thenfoldtefft qf thft Ql4,tPWn to (he citizens of the new r .toouW reeSfrvp. an. ^ditipa ^f othej-g from the latter, -and 'would he all rpgu&rly continued, qroopg the Britons of ManCunium to the lad fad period of the Siftuntian pofleflions and to the lafl: fad aera of the Siftuptiajx uapae ",

  • i ' • » - - .-
  • Richard Iter 15, Ptolemy
Ireland and SflotkvHj, and Richard 

in Scotland p. 32. See alio Gale p. 75, who fuffered him&lf to be puzzled with the name. So Loch ilill fignifies Water in Erfe, being applied equally to Jakes and to rivers. — x B. I, ch. v, f. i.-*- 3 So Dun-dee a town upon the Tay, Lan-dafFand Caer-difF towns upon theTavee,&c. And fee a variety of errors in Baxter, Camden, and others, under Veratinum, I tun a, &c. — 4 See Baxter's ftrange etymology for Corn or Corinium ; which makes it fignify a great or principal river, . in oppofition at; once to thp true principles of etymology and to real fed, Xfaeie a*f many rivers in England fa called, but all mean and trifling, a* the Come near Ludlow &c. — 5 Lhuyd in Baxter p. 267 and 273. — 6 So the prefent Kibble, Rhi-bel, or King- river. SoCorvovius or Conway river, Con-av or JCon-ui the Head or Principal Water. And fee b. h ch. v. f. 1, which proves the Merfey of the prefent tjmes to be the Belifama of Ptolemy.-*- 7 The name i^ written ofteuer Irwil than Irwel in our antient records ; and thus we haye Er-in or Ireland for the lame ifland, and Ir-won the name of a river

Brecknockfhire* And as Gueil-Gui is a Torrent ,of Water in Welch (fee Lhuyd in Torrens), fbwe find, ibp ; word Gviikpy in the Britiih name of a river within the county pfQaexmaith^n, ** Gg " aud