Page:History of Manchester (1771), Volume 1, by John Whitaker.djvu/264

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Chap. VII. OF MANCMfcS TEH ? ^ fon*s Cot. Dift p. i$4.)-~ s This is called X$}m by Did p, ick>3> {peaking of Bunduica, and by Diodorus p. $53. fpeakiog of the Gauls* is faid by the former to be w*f#xaaBX*g or all variegated* and is declared by the latter to be XpAytari watfoixifcis iaprdiOfOMi or flowered with various colours in divisions. And fee. Strata p. 300.—-* Martial lib. ai. E. 21. of the Britons* Diodorus atad Strabo(ihkL)of theGauls*. and Himerius inPhotius'sBibliotheca c. 1135. Rothom. — 7 See Qflian voLL p. no* a Note, and Critic Diif. p. i66.->~* Voflkis de Vitiis Serm. in Braceae.— 9 Dio p. 1003 and 1004* Diodorus and Himerius ibid, and Strabo p.

  • 33 <**&y*s> p. 265* and p> 300. Sagum (fays Varro) -is a Celtic

word ; and Saic fignifies in Celtic a Skin or Hyde* the original name probably of the antient drefs (Critical Diff. p. 166).— #

  • ° Dio of Bunduica p. 1003* Diodorus p. 351. of the Gauls* He

rodian lib. iii.' c. 47, and Pliny lib, xxxiii. c* 1. — " See the fi- gure of a North^Briton upon a Roman monument in Horfeley N* 3 of Scotland.— " See Camden p. 707. edit* 1607.— ■* Dio* donis p* 353>-~** Dio of Buhduica.— ** inde habitfa noftri honor tt frequens toga (Tacitus cai). — ,6 See an old author in Bahizii Capitolark c. 741* tota.lL~~ ,7 See bul. ch. vi. f. i.-~- M Martial 1. xiv* E. I'apo •Roma magis fuicis veftitur* Gallia rufis. From this parage* as well as from dio fecondaty fenfe of the word Brae or Brog* ignifying Rufus or Red in the brae or red wheat mentioned before, die red* and not the blue* appears to have been the predominating colour in the Celtic garments. Dr. Macpheribn's tradition therefore (Crit. DHL p. 1 66) muft be as wrong as his application of Claudian is unjnft. Caeruleus or Blue (as Caefar afliires us p. 89) was the favourite colour* not of the Britifh cloaths* but of the Britifh paintings upon their bo- dies. And for that reafon Claudian gives Britannia a C&rulut or blue garment* Cujus veftigia verrit Cserulus, oceanique aeftum mentitur* ami&us. Evans** Welch Poems 1 765 p. 72. Eurdorchawd, and p. 78. See Suetonius p. 82. Oxoii. 1690. Solis— ne hiberni quidem H h patiens h *9 SO