Page:History of Manchester (1771), Volume 1, by John Whitaker.djvu/278

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Chap. VIII. OF MANCHESTER. 447 ' Cicero contra Verrem p. 272. torn. IV. Olivet, prima om- nium provincia eft appellata x and p; 135. torn. IV. Quaeftore fuo— and Strabo p. 11 97. — * Tacitus and Notitia. — ' Spartian's Severus c. 22.— 4 See before and b. I. ch. xi. f. 1. hereafter. — 5 Richard p. 1 7—29. and Itinerary. — * Richard p. 36. — 7 Ibid.

  • — 8 Richard p. 36. — 9 Kar tjag in Appian p. 443, Stephanus,

1592. — ,0 AyopavofMc in Strabo p. 285, ngcP* m Appian ibid., and rocfjLioa: in Strabo ibid. — IX Dio p. 1004. — " Ibid. — u Dio ibid. — and Appian p. 353 and 516. — I+ Ibid. ibid. — * 5 Strabo p. 306. — 16 Appian in Preface p. 3.— I? See below. — " Richard p. 36. and Pliny's N. H. lib. iii. c. 3.— I9 Strabo p. 285.— ao Ibid.— *' Appian p. 443. x*r iog y and Strabo p. 285. — " Ibid. ibid. — %l Richard p. 36. — * 4 Velleius Paterculus lib. i. c. 15.— 2S Tacitus Ann. lib. xii. c. 32. and Richard p. 25 and 36.— 16 Richard p. 36. — 27 B.I. ch. xi. £4. and ch. xii. f. 1. — M Antoninus p. 22 and 23, Bertius. — * 9 Tacitus Ann. lib. xiv. c. 31. — ° Coloniae— jura conftitutaque omnia populi Romani haberit (Aulus Gellius in Nod. Att. lib. xvi. c. 13), and, Horfeley in Bath. — $l Tacitus Ann. lib. xiv. c. 31. and Horfeley b. L ch. vi.— ? 3 * Richard p. 36, and Camden p. 323. — " Richard p. 27 and 36 — Ptolemy — Antonine — Ra- .vennas — and Notitia compared with its own rude map. See a great miftake in Horfeley p. 362. — 34 Tacitus Ann. lib. xiv. c. 3 1 of Camulodunum, Pellebant domibus, turbabant agris.— 35 Richard p. 36. — J6 Tacitus Ann. lib. xiv. c. ^. Sociorum. — 37 Agricola lib. v. Incenfe coloniae.* — 3t Aulus Gellius in No£. Att. lib. xvi. c. 13. — 39 Gruter p. 408. N° 1. — 4 ° Dio p. 674. — 41 F MfJLctrtiq wavjae rye sv rif upx$ * yT ^"" a%t$u%zvi Dio p. 1 295. — .** Appian p. 443, and A&s of the Apofties chap. xxii. — 41 Gruter p. 408. N° 1. n. THE immediate defcendants of the firft great pair muft have been all neceffarily born beneath the controul of a monarchical 2 govern-