Page:History of Manchester (1771), Volume 1, by John Whitaker.djvu/281

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, t-H-E. H I ST ORY. Book I v dienpe, not reduced into flavery, Domiti.ut pareant, nondum ut ferviant x Hence, % and . hence only, are the colonies of the Belgas particularly denominated by Tacitus fbcji or allies of the Romans in . the 'reign of Nero ; and even the 'whple country of the fubjeft Britons is mentioned tyT)io> .in': the later days of Severus, as y $itcc or the region of. friends ,$ . And hence, and hence only, are the Britons defcribed by Suetonius Paulinus, the fevereft of all their conquerors, to be, even in their $*uct or tKeir moft abjed fubmiffion to the Ror&atis, ftfll 'tXtvQtpi or jjoflefled of their ajitient freedom, and ftill aJlovojun or governed by their antient laws l# . The Britifh fovereigns then retained their fbverelgnties bfe- ^jeath the government of the Romans, and Lancashire yet en- joyed the privilege of its anjtient monarchy, A king continued to prefide over our' Siftuntian anceftors: but he neceffitrily rd-' tained only a fubordinate fway, and poffeffed only ? diminished authority. The great power of life and death muff have been ' undoubtedly taken from him, and transferred to the provincial praetor. And to guard againft any exertions of this authority by the fovereign, was moft probably the principal defign of ther tax upon funerals. But the Siftuntian monarch muft have been allowed to enjoy the whole antient extent of his civil authority. AH the interna! eeconomy of the ftate muft have been regulated , as it was be- fore by him. This appears veiy clearly from die above-men- tioned aflertion concerning the conquered Britons,, that they were atfovofi** or governed by their own laWs» And this appears, more clearly from the certain continuance of the Britiflv polity among all the Britons* being derived even to the Welch of thefe later ages, and being obferved equally in the Conquer- ed diftrifts of Britannia ipecuuda and in the unconquered regions of Ireland "» _ • « « «  The deicent of the crown: among the Siftuntians mud have been, as it always was among the Britons in general, in the courfe of an hereditary lineal and qognatic fucceflion. Mandubrajtius. fucceeded his father Immanttentios in the throne of the Tririo- .• * • » vantes,