Page:History of Manchester (1771), Volume 1, by John Whitaker.djvu/301

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370 ' THR Hi STORY - Book f. 12 in Wottou. — s6 Lib. li. c. 21. a. 28 and 30 &c. — "See B. IL C 4. f. 1. — - ,g See Mona p. 130 &c, Ware c. 8 and 13, and Sir John Davies on the caufcS why Ireland was never entirely fub- : dued'by the Englifh (London 161 2) p. 177.— *Howel p. 337, and fee before. — ^P- 331 .*— * r P. 348 and 365 and lib: K. c. 14. a. 6. — 4 * Lib, ii. c. 22. a. 9. and p. 36$. — 4J Lib. ii. c. 14. a. 6, 7, and 8, and lib. ii* c. 12. a. 11. and c. 18. a. 3. Though* the l^w; is exprefs that the villain fon fhould not fucceed by right to his father's lands (lib: ii. c 12. a. 11), yet the fons certainly lucceeded in fa£t at this" period. The houfe is politively de* clared to be hereditary (lib. ii. c. 12. a. il); and the whole compafs of the villain townfhip was divided betwixt them and the other villains (lib. ii. c. 12. a. n. and lib. ii. c. 21. a. 7.). Nay, the lands were fa divided that the foos were ordered by law tabe left as much as poffible upon their fathers lands (lib. ii. c. 12, a. 12).. And the fon of an Uchelwyr, bred up for a year and a day by a native villain with the pcrmiflion of his lord, is declared to have a right to (hare the lands and the goods of t£i£ villain as if he had been the villain's fon (lib. Tu c. 26. a. 8). And a free villain became by law the proprietary of his lands in. the courfe of fQur generations (lib, ii, c. 18. a. 2.). •— 44 See B. II. c. iv. f. 1. — ^Lib. 1. c. 9. a. 14, Kb. ii. c- 14.

  • • 3> 6, 7, and §, lib. ii. c. 17. a. 8* and 10, p. 347, 348,

&c, and p. 365, &c— - 4G Lib. i. c. 13, a. 10, lib. i. c. 16. a. 12, and Mon$ p % 131. — See Merched liULc. 14. a. 27, Ac.j and fee alfbMacpherlbn'sCrit.Diff. p. 192 — 19.8^ who idfy derivtesit from a mark or piece of money. And fee Selden^s Titles of Honour, 8Ia<?kftone'sComment. v.H.p. 83,andathoufandodiers, whoall^- fert the truth of the fable. — 4 *Lib, i. c. 3 and 9,^ &c— ** Hickes*s DiflT* Epift. p. 68, and Spetman in Manerium. — s0 Lib* ii. c. 19. a 9, 10, u, p, 340. Barwn-jeid or barons, and Baxter in: Gar- nia.-— 51 Lib. i. c, and 1 2. The Ealod was to render his hawks his horfe and his dogs at dgath to the king : but then he re- ceived them previoufly from him. And 1 the -Bradiwrtf Llys or court*judg^ is the pftiy perifcii besides that feems to beexempted, keing- excepted in lib. i. c. r6.a. 4 J; Butreven he l is obliged- ih 3 lib. J