Page:History of Manchester (1771), Volume 1, by John Whitaker.djvu/313

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£8* I s H £ HISTORY- •' Book E concilio. — " See th& Prefaces to- the Laws.-*- 1 * LiML 017. a. 4 &c, p. 348, and Pref. to Laws.— ■" P; 325, mid lib. -ii.'-c* 26* a, i,— 14 Lib. 1. c. i6. a.- 3d, UK ii. c. 2.3, 3, and p< 325. c. 85* ^-' , P. 3894 405, 468, lib. i. c.6. a. i arid 2* and lib. i. c, i& a. 3. — r * P. 93* 1S7, 3°7> $77> and 403.— ■" Lib. iv, c^oi- a. 1;

  • — *• P. 325. — ,9 P. 1 87, 1 21, 325, and 405, and Mona p. 1 21.—
  • ° Lib. ii. c. 10. a. 1. arid lib. iv. c. 70. a. r.— lf P. 121 ahd^ol
— **?'3 2 5> *&. 1. c. 16. a. 36, p. 19, and p. 27. — "P. 325, an£

lib, ii. c. 10. a. 12. — ** Lib. ii. c. to. a. 12, lib; i. c. 16. a. $$ L % ,and lib. iii. Pref. 2.— * $ Ware c. viii.. and Crit. £>tff. p. 186.^-

  • 6 Ktierden folio p. 274. — a7 Ibid. — 4i Lib. i. c. ^7. a. 10.—

••Ware c. viii, Crit. Diff. p. 187, and Spelmah in Parliamentunr* In Borlafe's Cornwall p. 208 is an amphitheater which I take t6 Have been for this ufe. And fb the Tinwald of the Manks and the Stannary Parliaments of the C6rniih to this day. — *° Lib. 11. t. 10. a. ii. — n Lib. i. c. t6. and lib. ii. c.,27. a. 21.— ,3a P. 186, .36b, and 408. And in Ireland (fays Ware) they determined •from certain prefcripts and cnftoms of the kingdom {c. viii.)— " Lib. ii. c. 17. a. 12 and 13, c. 27. a. 9, and c. 13. — u Lib. ii. C. 17. a. 14. — u Lib. ii. c. 17. a..7^nd 8. — ** Lib. ii. c. 17V a! 29. '•— * Lib. ii. c. 17. d. *. — i8 Lib. ii. c i.;a. l's^rr' Lrb.'Ii. c. 36. a. 8 and 12. — A ° P. 325 and lib. ii. c. 30,. a. 5.— 4r 'Lib. iii. c. i. "a. 32 &c. &c— 4 * Tacitus c. 21.— 43 Crit. DiflC p.187.— 44 Ware

c. viii.— ♦' Lib. iii. c. 1. a. 17.— 4tf Ibid.— 4 * Ibid.— 4* P. 3 25. -A-

49 P. 210, 217, and 325. — 5 ° Lib. iii. c. 3. a. 49 and 54, ancf f2e b. II. ch. iii. £ 4. — Jl Ibid. a. 51 and 52. — 5 * Lib. iii. Pref. 2. — 5J Lib. iii. c. 1.— *+ Lib.i. c. 4. and lib., iii. c. 2. — ■" Lty- ii- c 30. a. io, 1. iii. c. 2. a. 9, and lib. iii. c. 1. a. 1 7.— * Lib. iii. c. 1. a. 1 5, 16, and 20, 24, and 22. — " Lib.ii. c. 10. a. 1 i, and p 325.— ^Lib.ii. c. 10. a. 7.— "Ibid. a. 3-^.— f0 A. 10.— #, 'Lib.ii. c. 10. Th* dedu&ions which I have made in this chapter from trie Colle&ion of Welch Laws publifhed by 'Dr. ; Wotton ire nbt made, as the Reader will remark, merely from the fourth add " fifth books of diem, which, like the iaws of the Cqnfeflbr in the Saxon Code, are only commentaries upon the previous Mi- tutes,