Page:History of Manchester (1771), Volume 1, by John Whitaker.djvu/320

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Chap. IX. OF MANCHESTER. 389 Trinovantes. On Plautus's invafion of the country 6f the Caflii, in that part which was inhabited by their fuhje&s the Dobuni* he was met by Cara&acus and Togodumnus. Both were fuccef- fively defeated. The one was killed, and the other retired. The Dobuni then fubmitted. And Plautus followed up his fucceffes to Camulodunum the capital. — * Dio p.' 959, and Pegged clafs 2.—* Pegge p. 69. — 7 Pegge's Plates.-^- 1 ' Strabo p. 305, and Agric. Vit. c. 12. — * Camden c. 340.* — t0 Pliny lib- 33. c. 3. — 11 Pegge p. 9.- — x * Ditto. — " P. 42 1049. — '* Suetonius's Caligula c. 44. — ,$ Dio p. 957, and Carte p. 101. vol. I.— 16 Gildas's Hift. c. 5. — ' 7 Pegge clafs 4. N° 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, and clafs 2. N° 5. and clafs 5. N° r.— " Clafs 6. N* 2 — " Camden's Coins, clafs 1. N° 8, io, 11, 13 — 16, 25, 26, 31 — ^ clafs a. N° 8, 10, 31, and. 3 2, and Borlafe's Coins N° 5, 13 — 21, and 22.— TO Pegge p. 21 and clafs 5, and Thorefby*s Mufieum p. 338. N°io.— * x Bor* lafe's Cornwall p. 258 and 1 16.— " Borlafe N° 22, and Camden clafs 2. N° 30. — ** How miftaken therefore are Meflieurs Pegge Pettingal and Wife ! The firft is willing to rejeft all but the coins of Cunobeline. And the others are defirous equally and abfblutely to rejeft all.— ** Dio p. 957* Camden clafc 1. N° 8» and Pegge p. 59 for Beric. See Carte p. 100. — * 5 Caleda and Calleva as Cantrev and Cantred.— * 6 Camden clafs 1. N° 10, 11, 15, 26, and 31, clafs 2. N° 10 and 32. As it was very inaccurate

  • fi Meffieurs Speed and Borlafe to fuppofe Comus to be the king

•of the Brkiih Attrebates, when Caefar plainly declares him to have been the lovereign of the Gallic, fo was it equally unwary in Mr. Pegge to conclude, that hecaufe the Camus of Caefar wa$ a Gallic prince therefore the Comus of the Coins could not pp£- •fibly be a Britifh one (p. 38). The latter was undoubtedly a diftinft perfon from the former. And from the addition of RE. upon the coins appears to have been a Britifh king.— And fee another great miftake in Mr. Pegge p. 21, who reje&s all thp coins of Prafutagus Togodumnus and Cara&acqs, becaufe the JBritifh kings coined no monies under the Romans. The latter - may be t*ue, and the former not be falfe. Thefe princes might . coin money before the Romans fubducd their kingdoms. — P p a7 Pegge