Page:History of Manchester (1771), Volume 1, by John Whitaker.djvu/331

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5 <* THE HISTORY, Book*. ~J Strabo p, 265. — 7 Pliny lib, xxxw. c. 12. vel <|u* rotfc fiuat, and the bpwl mentioned before in b. I. ch. ii. f. 3.— -The glazed earthen rings of Camden c. 8 15 mufi have been Roman-Brkiflu —* Pegge^s Coins daft 4, C, clafs 5. N° 4* and clafs 6. N°3.-— 9 Clafs 2. N° 3. and clafe 3. N° 1 and 6.— *° Diodorus jx 35 J.— u Pegge clafs 4. N* 1 and 3— 14 Pliny lib. xxxvi. c. 26.— X3 Ibid. ~-* 4 Ibid.— 15 Camden c. 815.— ,6 Stukeley's Abujy p. 26 and 43 £nd 45, and Stonehenge p f 45 and plate 32 and 4- — 17 Strabo P- 3°7.* v**# <™?vi, Thejfeand the accompanying. word$ have been applied by fame tp mean,, not what were made by the Bri- tons, but what were imported into Britain. But the nature of f he other particulars mentioned by . Strabo is a fufficient proof to the contrary. They arp fuch as could be manufactured only by the Britons.— '■ Stonehenge p. 45, and Camden c, 815. — l9 Pliny lib, xxxvi. c. 26,— * Q Ibid^** Ibid,T— a * See Pliny lib,xxxvii. c,2 f and Tacitus de Mor. Germ, c.45.— r %1 Diodorus ^348, Cam- den p. 350 and^7i3, and Dale's Harwich p. 112 and 275.3—

    • Diodorus ibid, and Strabo p. 307, and Abury p. 44 , and Stone-

henge p. 45 and plate 32. — - *' Pliny lib.' xxxvii. c. 3.— *' Strabo p. 307. — * 7 Genefis ch. iv.- — * s Deuteronomy ch. viii* See alfb ch, iii. — ' 9 Caefar p, 88.— How miftaken therefore are Mpntfau* con, Borlafe* and all the antiquarians, in trailing to the .Aran? delian marbles for the aera of the firft formation of hrafs, groffly overlooking the pofitive and exprefs accounts of injtpkation !— ^ JO Caefar p. 88.— " Strabo p^oj. — 3 * Offian vol. I. p. 1.4, 55* an^ 62.^" Pliny lib, xxxiv. c. 14, Diodorus p. 356, and Martial

lih. iy. E. 55.-T-. 3 * Dr. Richardfon's Letter in Leland voL IX.—*

"•' Cgefar p. 88.— . s6 Strabo p 305. — 37 Arundelian Marbles in Pri- •deaux p.; 163 &c— " Solinus c. 22. — S9 Borlafe b. iii. ch. 13.— ^Ibid,— «. 4X Pliny lib- xxxiv. c. & and 14.— 4a Strabo p. 265 ^nd Diodorus p. 35«— - 43 Strabo p. 265.— 4V Borlafe b. iii. q. 13. — 45 Jbid.™ 46 Pliny lib. xxxiv, c 8.— 47 Leland vol. IXv See'Itnu Cur. p. 55 foj this kettle. u -. m.?m