Page:History of Manchester (1771), Volume 1, by John Whitaker.djvu/346

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£hap,ft. O F JJM^'iN : d If E I * X 1L #fi tyf Veffpafian * f kit tliis proo^f^ Wis Wry «riy improved byt the application of a grinding jxiwer and theititr&dp&irtvdf mill* ftonjes* TThe irAprtVWjQent^ -likfe Aoft 'of Ihe cdmriioft refine-* mehtft ift'dolMftic life/ wfe -probabfy .'th£ kiventfoh of ti)c antet tiiluviati wo*l&, 'ftu* ^iid cerftthily fcftkt in fbme of die earlieft ages after it a The improvement, like meft tit the commorf refinements in donieftic life, was equally known in the eftft ari<f adopted in the wefhV -Hake the'Gauls, henfce the Briton^ Hp- pear to have befeh faririliaHy acquainted with thi-uie Wf-hmd^ mills before the period of their fttbriiiffion to* the ^Mfifana™? theBriuohs particularly cKftlngmfhirig thtm, as we theilr focfcelt&rtf diftingwfli them -at prefent, by the fimple appeHatJoh ; bfQiieM^

he .jrery fifefur .rnvfehttttt ot water^mi

jhils ftlfcttfery. the world is pretty certailily iiide&tecf to the litf-' ttrth their many other refinements aftrthg us. , ^lid.thii^kf rfftUa!fy'*intr6auced € Jt > the Briti/h Appellation of Vwater^milf Efficiently evitices <rf itfelfj the Mdin'bfthe Welch and dor/ iis, . and ~tne v * ,nd evidently fleriVed' frbm th£ l Roman Mola ancf Molendinuni, Tfie ftibjeq Britons tfniverfally. adopted the Jtoman name, but applied it,' as we their fucceflbrs apply it at prelent, only to the Ronton ay 11; ftill diftlnguifhing their own original mill* as we, djf):iijguii(5 .it. by its. pwn , origirtcrf denomination, of a Quern. A Rompn/or water. thill was affuredly ere&e£ at every ffytioijary town "in 'th§ kingdom*,, A.Roman or water mill was ( a qertaiiily* er^ea/a£ Mattcuniutft, ferving equally the purpofes of the town and the uifes of the garrifon. And one .alone would >h fu.fficieit^ »s tlte ufe of hand-itoills (till remained very commoii hi, liqth^ many futh having been found about" the (ite of the ftation particularly, S f 1 and