Page:History of Manchester (1771), Volume 1, by John Whitaker.djvu/348

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ei*p.iX. OF MANCH E STEH V y the feme cuftora prettj certainly attained as prevailed originally among the Romans and many other nations* 9 , and as continued nearly to the present period among the Mancunians. The pro- vifion of bread for every family was left entirely to the do- meftic attentions of the* women in k J And the bread was baked fay them upon (tones, which the Britons denominated Grei- ditols and we ftill denominate Gredles. But as it appears at once from the ktlh*burnt pottery which has been difcovered in the BritHh fepulehers, and from the Britifh appellation of an Odyi* or oven remaining among u* at prefent, that * furnaces for bak~ - ing were generally known among the -primaeval Britons* aa ] odyn moft have been-erefted tit the manfion of each Britifh ba~ ran for the iife of himfelf and his retainers. And when the ba- ron and his -retainers removed into the vicinity of a Rdman fta- tion, the oven muft have bee* re-ere&ed with the manfion, and . the publk bakehoufes of otor towns muft have commenced at the £*ft formation of thesv One bakfeboufe muft <hawe bien con- ftruded, 1 as I 'have previoufly ffcwn- one mill to have- been ereded, for the public fervice of all *the Mancunian- families. Obe»bakehoufe and one mill appefcf • to- *have heen equally and immf mortally eftablifliad in the town ; -and* the inhabitants of & appear to have b^n equally and immemorially accuftomed to > bake at the one and to grind at tfhe« other *V .Both therefore muft have been- undoubtedly ^retted at-theiirft introdu&ion of oven* and of wator-milisi into the county. . The. fimilarity of two fuch appointments-fa particular refew the confidecation dU xeGAy to one and the fame origin fon both, principles. The na* ture of aipfoch appointments in general refecs thexroofideratioo dire&ty to *heiirft origin and the actual, intoodndion of both the , implements^ And as the fame eftablilhnpentt prevailed equally in .many other parts, of the North* .and obtained pretty certainly over .alt the .ample extent of -Koran Britain^ the fame erection* muft have been equally made at every ft^tionary town . in the kingdom.;

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