Page:History of Manchester (1771), Volume 1, by John Whitaker.djvu/362

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Chap. IX. OF -Mr A N-.O H E ST JE R. 331 , . . What though their form" be- Ragged with roughs ing hairs, Nor ctap faint tejnbbtpce iof dtejpreybbiind.vvears,- .'.' .', ' Still sull the.tabjg Aftofc- itaiflxuCbftl care, Sery?d wtfji tjifi fpe<iti^t t feauijrf^of:tte hare t i Hi *

», :They r ft>?sff her fc^tftefsfc^ t^« fcenlfed'mead, ' r

• » They thread ;hft;a}a£€g;f p. her iecret b*d, , ; . .And }the latter breed par ri?5 r aiidently the fignifkation of its origin .in (be regularity: of its ndfne *-*h$ appellation b£ Spanish or* Spa- niard bqing % Sufficient kidrc&Kfii of its oative country; and the ^on>ah termination pf it* mrm r i£fpanioius;or Spaniol, being a fufficient declaration c£ its Roman introducer. Arid the .fame -raw. of our dogs is pretty certainly meant hy the fame appella- tipns.ifi fchefe. lines o& Neal^aiutf,'. /.')'* . - ' ~ • ;i h -Ned tibi Faonbmiaae 'ftii^isteftWifituropigo,

r ' . ! Nee quorum fertgitifae ti&n&t: Jbero **, 

Praifed are the fathers of Pannonia's brood, . Andpraifed the children of Hispania's blood ; And in thefe lines of Opptan, nouoveg, Avcroviot, Kopef, GgrjiKBg, IBHP.EE *% Firft on the field appear Aufonia's race, Thy dogs, O Caria, and thy hounds, O Thrace, Firft from the hunter claim the favourite's meed Paeonia's offspring and Hispania's breed. 1 Dio p. 1280. — * Ibid. — s Offian vol.1, p. 115, The Steeds of the Strangers. — 4 Pegge's Coins C clafs 4, N° 2 and 3. clafs 5, and N° 2. clafs 6, and Camden's 2d table N° 9 and 32.—' Caefar p. 87, and Pomponius Mela lib. iii. c. 6. — 6 See Ware's Antiq. (Harris 1764) p. 160. — 7 Borlafe's Coins N° 12, 19, 20, and 22, and Offian vol. I. p. 1 1. — 8 Offian ibid., Strabo p. 307, and So- linus c. 22. — 9 Pliny lib. viii. c. 43. — I0 Ibid. lib. xi. c. 41. — " Claudian p. 244 Elzevir. — " Pegge's Coins clafs 4. N° 5. — U u 2 " Strabo