Page:History of Manchester (1771), Volume 1, by John Whitaker.djvu/398

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Chap.X. OF MANCHESTER. 363* mutual accommodation of the baron arid the townsmen, and* they muft have been a&ually fettled in it with the chief.- The* bufinefs of the Plumbarius or plumber, of the Ferrarius or far- rier, of the Tornator or turner, of the Apothecariu$,or apothe~ r cary, of the Barbarius or barber, and the like, often exercifed^ occasionally before by any of the chiefs amba&on, appears from* the Roman appellations of the artifts to have been noV firff conn, verted into adiftinlt occupation. And to thefe tho Romans muft have added the reft, the mercer the fuller the tavern- 1 keeper and the like. The barber was entirely unknown at Romo> for four hundred and fifty year6, and was then fir ft introduced . by P. Ticinius Maena from Sicily ". The knowledge of n»edi- cinal herbs and Of their influence in medicinal application*; would naturally be cultivated in a military nation add was grie#lj?i attended to in the Britifh. Thus we fee a British chief, jn, the* Poems -of Offian, who " had Searched for the herbs., of the 44 mountains, and gathered them on the iecret banks, of their. " ftreams/ f and whofe " hand had clofed the wound . of the

    • valiant." Thusalfb it is particularly declared of another,

that " to clofb the wound was his, he had known the herbs of. '« the hills, and he had feb&ed their fair heads on high as they " waved by their fecret ft reams." And an acquaintance with v the virtues of fimples and a fkill in the application of them to the body were till thefe later days universal among the Britons of Scotland* 9 . . ' ' 1 Agricola induced the new fubjefts of the . empire -(fays Ta- citus Agric, Vit.c* iu) utTempla, Farp^ Domos, extruerent. —

  • Tacit. Ann. lib. xv. c. 43-—- * Phil. Tranf. vol. xlv. p. 603.—
  • Tacitus Ann. lib. xv. c. 4. and the Nofe in vftriorvun $d|t. 1—5

5 Genefis ch. xi. ver. 3.—* Exodus c. v: and Pliny lib. xxxv; c. 14, and Varro de Re Ruft. lib. i. c. 14. — 7 Pliny ibid. — 8 Pliny ibid. — • Accenfb fbco in medio > et calido effedto coenaculo (in the year (nffr Bede lib. ii. c. 13. See alfo lib. iii. c. 10. — M From the Cornifh Tihimbla the mode of pronouncing the word which A a a % how