Page:History of Manchester (1771), Volume 1, by John Whitaker.djvu/419

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384 . THE: HISTORY Book 1. vita per Spelmannum p% 265* for king Alfred's preface to his ver* lion of Orofius. — " Pliny lib. xix. c. 2. — " Ibid — *°Caefar.p.240. and Pliny lib. iv. c. 16.— " Caefar and Pliny ibid, and Solinus c. 22. — ia Oflian vol. i. p. 106 and 41, and Caefar p. 73. And Caefar tranfported troops in fuch boats acrofs a great river in Spain (p. 240).—^ Offian vol. i. p.41, 45, and 75. — * 4 Caefar p. 55. and Dio p. 212* From this account of the flate of navigation among the Caledonians of the weftern coaft Solinus appeals cer- tainly to have been miftaken in c. 22, where he reprefcnts the paffage acrofs the Irifh fea to have been fb dangerotts in thefe curroghs. And in the ifle of Sky they ufed thefe leathern boats upon all ordinary occafions within thefe hundred years (Crit. Differt. p. .325). — * 5 Pliny Proem* and c. i. 1. 19. — * 6 Pliny c. ii. and ix. 1. 19.— 27 . Pliny c, xi. 1. 13.— a8 Ibid.— 19 Ibid.— 30 Ibid. 11 Strabo p. 265. — 3 * Pliny c. vii. 1. 31. — 53 Camden p. 194.— V Pliny c. vii. 1. 31. — "Ptolemy and Camden c, 339. and ltin. Cur. p, 74^— 36 Richard's tenth Iter and Ravennas.— 37 Ravennas, Derventione, Salinis, Condate. — 3g Mines of rock-falt were known to the antients. Sunt et montes natiyi falis, fays Pliny, tit in Indis Oromenus, in quo Lflpidiginarum itiodo; cseditur re- riafcens. lib. xxxi. c- 7. , IL THE firft foreign commerce of the Britons was occafioned by the refbrt of the Phoenicians to their coafts. Thefe bold adven- turers in navigation and traffic, having planted colonies at Car* thage. ahd at Cadiz, and ranging along the borders of the great untraverfed ocean on the weft, reached the 'fbuth-weftern pro- montories of Britain, and entered into a trading correfpondence frith the inhabitants of it. The real Angularity and the commercial confequences of the voyage gave great reputation to the, officer -who conducted it, * and have occafioned the name of Midacritus •to be tranfmitted with honour to pofterky. .Midacritus brought the