Page:History of Manchester (1771), Volume 1, by John Whitaker.djvu/456

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Ch*p.XIL OF MANCHESTER, 4** Roman invafioiu Rot therHoreftii were then aduaily fuhjeft to the Damnii. And as the Damnii are placed immediately to the fcuth of the Tar> in the little 1 portion of. Broadalbin and in Stntfhcnv the Alhtaii are, tranflated to the weft of Loch Fyn and into Argyleflbire; And. Vcfpafiana and the Attacotti are car* fied <^uke iipto Loch Fytw Dr. Stukeley has in fome meafure cor- we&ttd the two firft miftakes,.has retained the third, and has fallen inta others./ The Yefpafiana quae, ef Thule of Richacd's jnap * hfc has ftraogely miftaken, . annexing the Qiue et to Taixali, and with both forming Taixali Aquae* And th^Vaco magi he. h%s brought to the.fouth of the Tay.-r- 9 Richard .p.- 32* 10 Richard fays, ad. Qciidtntm Varans ; A here, and here only, co* pying the grand, miftake. of the Romans as to the politioo of Scotland, which has put the Eaft for the North- and the Weil foe the South, th& North for the Weft,, and the South for the Eaft« v A^dinft^^rte right Northerly and, Souther- ly the Romans 1 we given Scotland a.direftion full Eaftern and ■ Weftf rn. This is,< the ■ cafe with Ptolemy in pattiouktr. ; And ; thus Strain p. 307 places Ierne.01: Iceland to the- north of BHk Xaxb ; and jh? Scotch writers have idly : c?ug)it atthe portion, m order to makeleme ; Hand .foe . the north of 'Scotkqd (fee Mao pheriba vol. i. Oflian p. .5, &C)— 11 Ptolemy apdRichaedp. 1 5^ - — '* Ptolemy places the Caledonian wood wg, above,, or. to ihe north, that is, to the weft*, of the Caledonians ; .and Richard in A gprt of <h?ir country. % It was therefore in the weftem part of their country. And Ptolemy places tbe.Vacomagi v«f or above, fp > the Weft of, the Caledonians. . But this u*^ihould .certainly he * m> bekpr» or to the Eaft of, the Caledonians. And Horfeley and Bortms,, who. both read vm both tcanftate it. as if it/ was ~ u?«. — n Ptolemy. -— < u Ibid. Richard . has . confounded thefe r twa promontories and made them .one and the.fiune.-— *'.Pta~ Jemy.-*- 16 Ibid*—- if Th* Jand* of Etba« the country ^pon JLocJi > Etyff or Etha in Lorn, were in the. dominions of the Creones . and die., kingdom of Morven (Qffian vol. L g. ,i6S and 170I And Richard accordingly iay* pr 1 5, tfnde [a civitate A IcluitK^.^ fui*a adoJUum ffami^ V*ram du&a tenatnos oftpndit £Vefyi-