Page:History of Manchester (1771), Volume 1, by John Whitaker.djvu/460

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Cha^XIL OF MA JI.'C H.E3TER. 4*j invaded the -country, and fought . many -battles with the Caledonians (v. ii. p. 195 and. 196), And as Comhal died the day on which Fingal was born (v. i. p, 11 4), the requifite dedu&ion of 9 or 10 years from Comhal's 30 will bring us exadtly to the period. — * 3 Offianp. 195. v. ii. — 6v In Offian we find frequent mention of the towers of Selma and the oaks of its (haded walls (v. i. p. 104), as Selma was, like the towns of the old Britons, in the middle of a foreft. The (Iream of Cona flowed along the fortrefs or palace (v. L p. 113)9 and on its en- trance into the fea formed a bay for (hips, (p. nx). , And the country was .watered with five other rivulets, Balva (p. 97 and 98) Strumon (p. 230) Lora r (p* 84, "vol. ii) Duthula (p. 155. v. ii) and Carmona, the latter, like Cona, forming a bay (p c 229). And the ifle of Mull mull have belonged to the Creones, as the (hips of Fingal are fometimes called the (hips and his. warriors the fons of the lonely ifle (p. 29 and 36. v. i.), f and as upon the weftern / fide of itandatthe head of Loch Levin is ftili a place denomi- jaated JJing»el or Fingal. — 65 Qffian v. i. p, 132 and 232,— '* Of- fian. — 67 Offian v. i. p. 95 and 96. — " " Ardven's fea-furrounded rocks". So Lochlin or Jutland is (aid to be furrounded with waves (p. 22, v. i.). So Tacitus, fummotis velut in aliam Infu- iam< hoftibus (c. 23. Agric V.) — 69 See preface to Crit. DiC p. ix. for the fa ft. And the bounding line of Caledonia and .Vefpafiana is drawn by Richard exa&ly along this chain of hills : Vefpafiaha autem a Bdorae ./Eftuario ad civitatem Alcluith, unde linea ad oftium flummis VaraFis du^ta terminos oftendit (p% 15)* — 70 Ridhard»pi , 52*— * ?I Offian; v. i. p. 87, exprefsly mentions Fingal to haveoppdled Caracalla in 1 1 1 . And as Fingal had then been in Lochlin and loved Agandecca, the firft of his loves (p. 42), and therefore .prior to Comala (p. 87), he muft have equally oppofed 8s#eru$, who came into Britain only in 207 (Richard p. 52). •**- 7 * Herodian L 3. t, 48. — r? Dio p. 1281 andHerodian ibid* •->— lv Dio p* it^h.—^Rtehard p. 53. Maeatis, and Richard p. 32. Citerior pars [Caledonia?] -alio atqne alio tempore ab. illis Roma* iiis] poffefik' fuk,-. and Dio p. 1282. — 16 Dio p. 1 283,— .• 7* Ibidl •— ~ 7 * Offian -v. i. p. 92,— -^Oflian v. i. p. 91 and 92.- — 8 ° Dio • I i i p, 1287