Page:History of Manchester (1771), Volume 1, by John Whitaker.djvu/466

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Chap. XIL OF MANCHESTER- 43* of the Lifly, and acknowledging Mediolanum, Eblana, or Dublin for their capital The Caucii fpread from the Lifly to the Letrim, the Oboca of the antients, over the reft of Dublin county, and over fuch parts of Wicklow as lie to the north of the Letrim, and owned Dunnm or Rath-Downe for their prin- cipal city. The Menapii occupied the coaft betwixt Letrim river and Cancarne Point, all the reft of Wicklow, and all Wex- ford to the Point ; their chief town, Menapia, being placed upon and to the eaft of the Modona, Slanus, or Slane 5 . And the Coriondii inhabited at the backrof the Caucii and Menapii, to the weft of the Liffy and the Slane, in a part of* 'Wicklow county, in all Kildare and in all Catherlogh, being bounded by the curving Boyne and the Barrow on the weft, by the Eblani on the north, and by the Brigantes on the fouth. Upon* the fouthern fliore and along the verge of the Cantabrian ocean lay the Brigantes, the Vodiae, and the Ibernii. The Brigantes owned the reft of Wexford and all Waterford, extending to the Black Water, Aven-More, or Dabrona on the fouth-weft, having the great mouth of the Barrow within their territories, and Brr- gantia, Waterford,. or fome town near it, for their firft cityv giving the name of Brigas to the Swire, their limitary ftream on the north, and leaving the appellation of Bergie to their own part of the county of Wexford. The Vodise pofleffed the county of Corke from the Black Water to the Ban, the river of Kinfale and the Dobona or Dubana 6 of the antients, and* gave the name of Vodium Promontorium to the Point of Balycotton ifland 6 ; And the Ibernii pofTefled the remainder of Corke and all that part of Kerry which lies to the fouth-eaft of Dingle Sound, having Rufina or Ibaune fop their capital, the Promontorium Auftrinum or the Miffen-Head about the middle of their domi- nions, and the river lbermis or Dingle Sound for their northern barrier, and leaving their names to the three divifions of Ibaune, Beare, and Iveragh 7 . Upon the weftern fhore of the ifland and along the Great Britannic or Atlantic ocean were the Lucanii or Lucenii 8 , the Velaborii, the Cangani *, the Auterii, the Nag- natae> the Hardinii ,0 , and the Venicnii. The Lucenii inhabited the-