Page:History of Manchester (1771), Volume 1, by John Whitaker.djvu/481

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4*6. . THE HI ST OUT Booki. king Cairbar and his brother Cathmor made themfelves mafters of the whole country c In this exigence, the Caledonian monarch, now advanced ia ' years, came over again. And -with him came again fuccefs. Cairbar lay with his army upon the cpafl to prevent his landing. The army was rotated and Cairbar killed. Cathmor marched up and attacked the victorious troops. And Cathmor and all hi* .army fell 6J . In this defeat the royal line of Larthon feems to have been deftroyecL The Belgae would naturally fell iato confufion. And the Britons would as naturally take advantage of it. The. Belgaej weakened by many defeats, and moil probably without a monarch, would be now attacked by the Britons, flufhed with vi&ory, united under one head, Ferad-artho 6 % and taught by fad experience to profecute an offenfive war. And in thefe; circumftances the Belgae would certainly be reduced by the Bri-. tons. So reduced they pretty certainly were at this period. So reduced they undoubtedly were within fifty or fixty years after it. In the year 320 the Britons, no longer requiring afliftance. from the Caledonians, fent a body of the iflanders into Caledo- nia, and even fix^d a confiderable colony within it 65 . This great revolution in the internal condition of Ireland muft have given the ifland a new name arid a new figure in Eu- !rope. It naturally afiumed a new importance, being now for ithe firft time united under one head. And it naturally adopted the appellation which the confederated Britons had preyioufly borne, and which the vi&ors muft have neceflarily communi- cated to the vanquifhed. Thus, together with the Brit if h tribes and among fonje barbarous nations upon the ocean, we find the, Scotiae gentes or the tribes of the Scots enumerated by Porphyry about the year 270 6 Thus we fee the Scoti or the Irifli fixing a fettlement upon the weftern coaft of Caledonia in the year 320 * 7 , and ravaging the Roman provinces about 360 6 And thus we find abfblutely the whole number of the Irifli tribes denoted by the appellation of Scoti before the conclufion of the, fourth century 6p . The