Page:History of Manchester (1771), Volume 1, by John Whitaker.djvu/484

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Chap. XIL OF MANCHESTER, 44* places; thcnames of the river Libnius and of the towns Nagnata and Robogdium ; and the Vodhim Promontorium, the Benifamnium Proraontorium,and thelnfulaVenicnia, And the Voluntii are brought down only to the river Deva, the Eblani are fixed in all the country betwixt the Deva and theBuvinda,and the Rhebius Lacus is carried too far to the north of the Magnus Sinus, — ,4 Richard p. 50. A. M. 3650. — ,5 P. 42. Richard : Certiffimum eft Damnios, Voluntios* Brigantes, Cangos, aliafque nationes, origine fuifle Britannic!, quae ed poftea [poft Scotos] trajecerunt. — ,6 Iwerddon is the name of Ireland among the Welch at prefent, Iuer Ton or Tan* the Weftern country. — I7 Richard p. 42. Quae ed — trajecerunt, poftquam Divitiacus — vel duces alii vi&ores illis domi tumultunr fecerant : And p. 50, Circa haec tempora. - — ,J Richard p. 50 ; In Hiberntam commtgrarunt eje&i a *Belgis Britones, ibique fedes pofuerunt, ex illo tempore Scotti appellati : And Macpherfbn in Oflian voL i. p. 130. and vol. ii. Preface p. v. — '* Agric. Vit. c. 24. A legion and a tolerable number of auxiliaries were then juftly deemed fufficient to reduce the ifland, fb thinly was the country inhabited* fb much were moft of the colonies in their infancy, and fb little were they united together. — *° P. 42. Certiffimum cift Damnios, Voluntios, Brigantes, Cangos, aliafque nationes origine fuiffe Britannica, quae ed poftea [poft Scotos] trajecerunt, poftquam vel Divitiacus, vel Claudius, vel Oftorius, vel duees alii viftores illis domi tumultum fecerant : And p. 45. Non pof» fum non in hoc loco monere, Damnios, Voluntios, Brigantes, & Cangianos, omnes fruifle Britannieae originis nationes, quae cum vel ab hofte finitimo non daretur quies, vel tot tantaque exige- rcntur tributa quibus folvendis fe impares intelligerent,-— in hanc terram trajecerunt. — ai Richard p. 44. Mediolanum.— M Diodo* rus p, 355. And fee Camden c. 1314. — * 3 So Charaticus is called by the Welch Caradoc and Caradauc, fb Cadwallon or Cadwallaun, fo a river in Somerfetfhire Thone and Taun, and Maur or Mor, Great, and an hundred others* Thus alfb in I*ancafhire particularly one river is popularly called and writ* ten Laun or Lon, and our own Tame h called by the natives M m m and