Page:History of Manchester (1771), Volume 1, by John Whitaker.djvu/503

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4 dft THE HISTORY Soek I. P. a6*— The true [or continental} Belgtt are fkid by Mr, Carte to have had no manner of tafte for trade- But p. %$. tommtrc^ and husbandry are faid Co have been the chief employment of the [Bntifh] Bblg* hi Gaul. Haw unguarded and contra- di&oryt •— «• Diritiacus brought with him the Bibroci and the Attre- u bates*" Thefe were tribes of old Britons. " He reducedr " chiefly Berkfhire and Qxfordfhire." He reduced neither. : «* He planted the Bibroci and Attrebates in Berks and Oxford-

    • fhire." Thefe never had any conne&km with Oxfordshire^

" The fcene of his conquefts lay in the fouth-eaft of Soinerfet " and in the weft of Suffex, whence he expelled the Regni, and «* where he fettled his Belg*.' ' His coaquefts in Somerfetfhire muft have been over the Haidui in the north ; and the Regni, mot merely of the weft of Suflex, but of all of it, were actually Belgaj. P. 27. — " It is probable, that Divitiacus fubdued a good patf " of the lednL"—- ~- He certainly did not. See eh, y. fed. 3. before. — • iC In the war of the Britons upon the Belgae the Attrebates

  • fuffered much from the former/' kapoffible^ as the Attre-

bates were Britons. . P. 43.—." Gildas informs us, that the Britons in his time had " very ill-favoured ftatues, and paid divine honours to* moun-

  • tains* hills,, and rivers, " Gildas fpeaks not of his own,

times, but of the period preceding the mtrodu&ion of Chriftia- nity, and only fays that thefe monuments remained in fome places to his own age. See c. z*. — P. 77. -— " Colonies, from a corruption of which word that 44 of Clan is derived/' How is this poffible! How could the Britilh appellation of Clan, an appellation retained only by the unconquered regions of Caledonia and Ireland,, be derived to them from the Romans !< Clan indeed is a word abfolutely Bri- tiih in its origin. It has no relation to the word Colony either in its origin or. in its import* It fignifies only a progeny or fa- mily.