Page:History of Manchester (1771), Volume 1, by John Whitaker.djvu/543

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• •4* A P P E K D I X. MEDlOLANa Etoceto Bremenium * Salinis Brannogenium x Glebon Colon i a Cor i no Aquas Solis Ad Aquas Dr. S. Ad Uxellam . . .1 Ad Uxellam Amnem 18 Antoninus Mediolano it m.p • • • m. p. • • m. p • • • • Iter 13. Clevo 14 m. p % • • • Durocornovio 14 18 m. p • • • • Ifca . . .IISCA m.p • • • JLftMta. ■W4*M«M*I » The names +f fhefe two ftadonsare token from Dr. Stukeley. Only blank^ppear in Bertram. And a* the name of Bremenium is compounded oFBre and Maen, the tap Stone, and the fire of it muft therefore have been upon ihe creft of the hill at Birmingham, fo this fine town has two or three Roman roads plainly proceeding to it. One w *e» known to appear in Sutton Park. And another muft have reached it from Stsatford upon Avon and from Shirley Street. MclvOil