Page:History of Manchester (1771), Volume 1, by John Whitaker.djvu/554

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APPEND I X* xlii Gale Horseley (JtUKELEY Henley Sylchefter Winchefter Southampton Ringwood Lyme Dover •**m-*i Silchefler Farnham Winchefter Old Southampton Pool Chichefler «■■*■*

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Lyme m^imtm)tm§ Dover m~m* ■ * m n Wallingford Silchefter Winchefter Stoneham Hants Southampton Portchefter Chichefter Arundel Suffex Newhaven Suffer Old Romney Lyme: Dover ■AaMMMwaia* «*■

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about three miles up the valley. And at that diftaii.ce from the town both the dire&ion and the afpeft of the valley are equally altered. The fea therefore retiring from Dover as it has retired from all the fouthern coaft of Kent, the town followed it, and the prefent Dover lies exactly at the mouth of the antient harleur» This tfiuit have b£en an haven incomparably good, two great headland* of chalk forriing the chops of it, a long deep narrow valley forming the fecure bafon of ir, .and a back* Water from the countty ulwujrs

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