Page:History of Manchester (1771), Volume 1, by John Whitaker.djvu/564

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fr 2 Pr Z: N I* li 3fc % Gals £pftleford H0R8ELEY t-. _. • Caftkford Wall near Litchfield +A. »■ 1 Wall .• StUMLBt CaAlefbrd -Gravefborough near Rotlierham Chefteirfield Derbyshire Alfreton " little Chefter by Derby Burtoil upon Trent Wall* •*■ >mmm^*^***0l

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the heath to the left, about a quarter of a mile from it and upon the hither fide of the hill, I came abreaft of a large track, and immediately knew it to be the Roman road. It ap- peared a long ftraigju ftreak of vivid green on the left, fwtepLng over the purple-brown furface of the heath* I entered it, purfucd its direflion to the right, and at the end of three miles or three and a half found myfelf upon enquiry about a milediftant from Brought . ThU village is placed in a beautiful well- watered* and fruitful valley; and the cultivated fcenery of St is a ftriking contrail to 1 1? e barren heathy wilds in its neighbourhood. And the village appears from its name, it* d i fiance 1 from £ux{on, and the range of this Roman road to it, to have been originally Roman. The ftation was con ft rutted upon the three fields which are denominated the Hall-deads, and are tliftinguifhed into the Upper the Lower and the Little Hallftead. This fxte lies dirc&ly upon two brooks, which, wafh two of its fides and unite at one of its angles* .This fite is nearly a parallelogram of eight or nine ftatute-acres in extent, finks in (leep banks along ope of the longer fides.tQ the l?rook Nop or the Limeftone VWer, and flope» all the way in a gentje inclination to the J?outh or the Gritftone Water. To the weft of tbefe Hallfteads* and two or- trjree inclofures from them, tr^e Badum-Gate appears v^ry . , i • . l Iter