Page:History of Manchester (1771), Volume 1, by John Whitaker.djvu/571

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fevf INDEX. Inhabited la the Time of die Britons, p. from* what language the name is derived,,

  • 148', 149, and what it fignifies, p. 221.

CHESTER-^when Weft-Chcffer was origr- CORITANNI— their dominions, p. 62.— nally built, p. 192. — The name of Cheuer why (b called, j>. ijjo. — how ptherwifc" in general a certain proof of a Roman fta- called, and why, ibid. — their capital, ibid. , turn or Colony, p. 77. — fubdued by the Iceni, p, iji. CIMBRl— the polition and extent of their CREONES— where fituated, p-412. ' dominions, p. 61. — fubdued by the Dam- CUNETIUS — how now called, p. 39- < ntfnis ibid, and 413. CURIA . (Gatfenorum) — what, p. 63, €OAL~-when firft dug up in this ifland, p- 362 — 30c. COCCIXJM-^-Its name fignifies it to have DJ- been the capital of the Sifruntii, p. 8 and "ii4. — Its general lite, p. 7^, 76. — The DAMNII- — the pofition and extent of their ' Roman road from Manctinium to it, . p. dominions, p. 03. — They had fubdued the ^ 107. — Irs particular fitc, p. 1 10. — In what Horeftii before the Roman arrival, p» 409* - foreft the Britifh Coccium flood, p. 114— —had -fubdued and given their name to- when it was mo ft probably laid out by the the Albani v 410. Britons, p. ri4, ri£.— A colony fent DAMNONII, the- rx>fition and extent of. from it into Ireland, p. 436, 437. — When- their dominions, originally and posteriorly, . the regular town was built, and where, p. p. 61 and 413. io 1—204. DANE (a river) — fee DXven and D&n. t COITANNI— who, and why fo called,. p.- DAUB-HOLES (fome pits near Manchefte.r) » rro. what they were originally, p. 215, 214. • COLLEGE (at Manchester, the Collegiate. DAVEN (a. river) — what the name. means,. Church and Houfe) — the lite formerly ofa jr«Oiu Roman fummer camp, p. 182, &c. — The DEE (the; river)— what the -name* means,. ground of the collegiate houfe. was the area ibid. . of the Praetorium, p. 185. DIMETjE — the- extent "of thfcar dominions, . COLLYHURST (a quarry)— firft: opened p. 6i.-r-fubdued by the Silures,. ibid.— in- by the primaeval Britons^ p. 2£» " vaded by the Irifn, p. 4O0. ^ GOLNE — a Roman Nation, p. 134.^-wEat DOBUNi— lEe extent of their dominions, s it was called by the Romans, p. 134, ii$» originally, and poirertourly, p, 62. and 148, - '. — whence the name was derived, and wnat ^ fubdued by the CalUij p, 62.V it fignifies,. p. 13^.*— when th$ towA was DON. (a river)*- — what the^nameJigniGes, ,p.~ built, p. 2ai— 204. 2-20". (SONCANGII (a town) — what the- name* DRESS — apatricufer^account of theKdrefs of. fignifies, and where the* town was fituated,. the primaeval Britons, p. 227, 228, i^u . p. 12 and 16.— when the Britkh town- was- ' &o* — the mixed drefs o£ the Roman Bri- - probably laid out by the Britons, p. 1 1 J. tons, p- 2 2 8 — 2^ 1 * (a people) the fervants of theSfiil<tintn, and DUlUNtJM— *of7 placed in WeffmoVeland, . p, 12^-fent a. DUrtNOV ARIA— what, p,6i.~ colony into Ireland, p 441** DUROTRJGES— che pofition and extent of €ONDATE~- The Roman road to it from?- their dominions, p. 6 1 .-—a . commercial Manchefter traced, p* 95—99. — where fi- • neople,' p, 7 p* — the original, authors pror - ruatcd, p. 99. — The- remains at it, p. o/^ r bawy of the Icening Street, p, 68, 69, 70. . id6.— -once the capital of Weft-Cheuurey "j-^ en ^ a colony into Ireland, .p, 444 •-.

  • ^i?.?3l $* - _ .'.l; A : MmOVERNUM^what, p. 60..

guftan legic^quortered at it, p. 188, i&9> EBURACuM^-what..p, £4.— <made the (ear* andioi. afabiAop, when, and why, p. 402. €ONOVltJ5 (the river Conway)— wnat the EDEN (a hver)— fee Itun a. . . •' ftafrte means, p. 225. t ELENBOROUGH (in Cumberland) called? COMNIUM — what, p; 62. * Volantiunvby the Romans, p. ftaad n«  CORNEBKOf)KE (near Mamcfcdbr)' -7 EWDllr-where. fituated, ^412. - * " EEUDS- . OCC. D. IC2-r-lO<. OMODEftCUM 1 (a Roman f&tioaO— whaV , the name .means/ ft. iz±* cONOVTUJi-^t part of the Antonian Au -I