Page:History of Manchester (1771), Volume 1, by John Whitaker.djvu/69

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4* THE HISTORY Book I. ' See Patricius in Gravius torn. x. — * Britannia edit; 1607. p. 611.— -* See b. I. oh. iv. (eft. i. — * Auguftus railed a tomb over his horfe, Pliny lib. viii. c. 43 ; and Hadrian buried his hunter Boryfthenes, Dio p. 1159* See alfo an account of a tomb with an infcription to a mule difcovered at Rome in Montfaucon's Italian Diary p. 83. Henley's 2d edit. And fee an infcription taken from Fabretti to a Roman buried with his hunting-nets, hunting-ipear, two dogs, a boar, a flag, and a wolf, in Horfeley p. 340. — *See b. L ch. ix. feft. 2. — * See alfo Wren's Parentalia p. 266.— -Among many fragments of veffels that have been difcovered upon the oppoiite bank of the river and on the iite of Mr. Walford's houfe, was an unglazed fragment of a mafly Amphora, having VABEO, the name of another potter, in* fcribed rudely upon its handle : and we have Phoebio upon a veflel at Rome in Montfeucon's Italian Diary p. 99. and Vibia on a fepulchal infcription in Horfeley p. 328.— And within the circle on which the Mancunian veflel ftands are feme characters rudely Scratched with a Sharp tool, and feeming to form Avittii, perhaps the name of the perfon whole aShes the urn contained. And in Phil* Tranf. 1759. p. 13. we have a tin Patera thus rudely inferibed with a tooL The veflel is preferved at the manour-houfe g£ Worfeley. — 7 Vegetius lib. u c. 23*—^ 8 Ve- getius lib. ii. c. 22. — 9 Mr. Hollingworth's MS. in the publick library of Manchefter p. 3, a rude Effay towards an Hiftory of the Town, and written about the year 1650. — t0 Horfeley p. 301 and 351. — " See Sepulchrum in an inscription No. 8. Wefhnoreland, and Pofuk and Ponendum curavit in p. 273, P» 303* P« 274, p. 322, and Oxfordshire, in Horfeley. IV. The Roman garrifon of Mancunium had undoubtedly feme particular ftru&ure fet apart for the periodical fervices of reli- gion. This however muft have been within the walls of the ttation, and merely a caUin of ths foue conftru&ion with the i reft,