Page:History of Manchester (1771), Volume 1, by John Whitaker.djvu/95

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«* THE R TS TORY f • Book h fpr the public ufe> Yhefe muifrhave been prwfoufljr adapt- edj though indifferently, to the conveyance of the native com- modities ofi tsh* iflaa.d to the ports*, and 1 fcb the- mtrodti&ion of foreign commodities frwn them. And: this commer- cial intercourse,, as well as the roads by which it was profecutfcd;, feem to. have beeo extended much farther into the ifl&nd than? the higheft 1 ideas of our biftorical' critics, concerning its* interior condition would' altew us to apprehend: They feenr m Rarer been .extend^cfe from the fouth-weft* into SuflbHiron one fide, and* ftpm tfi* foutjt-eaft into t Chefliire on the other: Etoffk the jbint- Ceftimoay of Richard^ Itinerary and Bfede's- Hlftbry, it appears, tha.t the Romap road which reaches firotxi. Sandwich to tlkernarvoa was dhfihgqiflted : among the Rbmans- by tJidrBritiflv uaflxe of GUetheling or Watfingpffreet^ This, hks.bfie^ hitherto lupgofed'to. be not the original bota.pdfterior: uaijiftv apdhas long r baflted'all l the analytical powers* of* etymo— logy.. BtU* it is plainly- dfcrivedV as Br» Stukeley formerly con-, je&ured'vit to be% from the fame priocipte which, g^ve name to* the Ikening-ftrcefc . Both were denomihated 'from the people to ♦ whom they were carried,, the latter ecmfefledly from, the' iceni of the* - caftan - coaft,, and the former clearly from. the. Guetheli or Gatheli.of IrelancL As the Ikening-ftreet- fignifies the way which led to the. Iceni, fb ?the Watling-ftreeti imports the road " which. led to the Guetheli. And this Britiftfr appellation of the road. among the Romans attefts. it ta have been: previoufly a, Britifh road. Had it;not been a E^itifH before it was a Roman road, as it* could have had no,^ name- at all when the Romans . took pofletfton of the country*, fo could it never have adopted a.Bfitjfh name, afterwards^amottg them. Had it not been a Bri- tish before it was> a.. Roman, road; it could not ppffibly ■ have adopted -amcfag them thee particular appellation of Guetheling,,, a* the. inhabitants of Ireland were never known to thfc. Romans , a|; all by the appellation of Guetheli. . The jGuetheling on Watling ftreet-muft ; have- originally been , denominated: by the Britons Sari* Guethelhi.. or tiro road: of the Iriffr. And the Ikening- flS«?t .muftihaYe been originally denominated. Sarn Iktnin or the- road.