Page:History of Moll Flanders (1).pdf/17

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is impossible for me to express the horrors of a disconsolate mind.

Here the wretches triumphed over me. What, said they, is Mrs. Flanders come to Newgate, what, Mrs. Mary, and after plain Moll Flanders. But I was forced to content myself with this piece of Newgate poetry,

If I swing by this string,
I shall hear the bell[1]ring,
And there’s an end of poor Moll.

Here I got into blessed acquaintance, whose company soon made me as hardened as themselves; and where to my amazement, I beheld among them my former Lancashire husband, and whose misfortunes he placed upon my account. Here my old tutoress had done what she could for me to make up the matter with my prosecutors; for she endeavoured, tho' to no purpose, to hinder the jury from finding the bill of indictment against me. At the sessions I had pleaded not guilty, but was found

  1. St. Sepulchre's.